Chapter eight | Panic attack.

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Ally POV


"Camila, dinner is ready baby." I inform my niece who was in the living room cuddling close to her stuffed animal.

"I'm not hungry auntie Ally" she mumbled making me frown in response

"But I thought you said you wanted pizza for dinner love" I go to sit next to her before she speaks again

"Not anymore auntie Ally." She shakes her head "I want my mama"

"Baby, your mama will be home soon, okay?" She only shakes her head and a small tear falls down her cheek.

Before I could say anything, my phone goes off making Camila flinch slightly. I pick up the phone and answer.

"Hello, Lauren." Once I say that Camila was now looking at me with slightly wide eyes.

"Hey Ally I just wanted to check in on you guys" she says.

"Oh we're doing okay Laur but there is a tiny issue going on at the moment" I tell her with a bit of hesitation.

"What's wrong? is Camila okay?" She wondered with worry in her voice.

"Yes Lauren Mila is fine it's just that she doesn't want to eat her dinner." Camila looks at me with a worried face.

"Why not?" She sighs annoyingly before continuing to speak " can you give her the phone so I can talk to her please?"

I pass the phone over to Mila which she takes before putting it over her ear.

"Mama?" She says in the most tiniest voice.

"Camila. Listen to me please. I need you to be a good girl and eat all of your dinner. I will be back home soon and if I see that you haven't eaten your dinner, you'll be spending a good amount of time in the corner, missy." She says to her five year old who was already in tears" Understood?"

"But mama-

"Camila please don't make this hard for me. I've been dealing with a lot today at work so please just eat your dinner" she says with a heavy sigh. "Now pass the phone over to Ally please"

Camila then hands the phone over to me with teary eyes making me frown. The poor thing has been nothing but sad all day.


"Hey Lauren , I'll call you back in abit. It's getting late and I'll have Camila have her dinner before bedtime. " I tell her.

"Thanks Ally, I'll see you soon" we both hang up the phone and then I quickly set the the device aside and go over to comfort Camila.

"Shhh, it's okay Mila. You don't have to cry" I give her soft rubs up and and down her back to soothe her. "I've got you"

"Nooo. Ma-ma doesn't w-ant me any-more" she sobs "She got mad at me today i-in the morning and yelled at me." -

"Why did she get mad at you, angel?" I murmured softly, pushing away a few strands a hair back.

"Because I didn't want to-to go to school a-and she got mad and yelled at me" she finishes saying before I pull her over for a warm embrace.

"Oh Mila calm down it's okay. Take some deep breaths with me" I attempt to calm her down by soothing her hair softly but It doesn't seem to work when her breathing becomes worse and worse.

"I-I can't auntie a-Ally." Her breathing becoming hoarse and her body begins to shake violently while more tears stream down her cheeks. When I see that her cries and her breathing was just getting more adverse I quickly realized that I needed to think fast before the worst could happen.

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