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Kemora POV:

A could months has passed everything feels so nice. Me and Tejay have been talking, but sometimes he will disappear. If he doesn't call me I mostly talk to him when he's at Jordan's house.

Me and tejay had a talk about our relationship. I don't want to be the only one putting effort into a relationship when someone else isn't even trying. I don't want to get hurt. At first Tejay wanted to take the relationship by day but the more we talked and got to know each other it was a different story. He told me that he was in a relationship before he met me. Like a year before. She had moved the states and they just broke up. He told me that he wasn't sure about talking to me because he likes when his girl is always around him. I ended up telling him about my ex and how he cheated on me, and got the girl pregnant and gave her the baby name that we planned on giving our child. Tejay told me that he has a kid...even though Jordan already told me.

Me and the girls booked our ticket and the time is getting closer to our trip. The more I think about it is get so excited. Theres so many people that I want to see. I can't wait to see my bestie Kelsey. Kelsey is like the little demon on your shoulder. she's always down to have fun.

Let me call Kelsey and tell her that I'm coming to Jamaica.

I scroll for her name in my phone.

Her phone is always on DND so you have to call twice for it to go through. She answers on the second ring.

"wapm mi gyal" Kelsey says.

"I'm good I was calling to tell you that I'm coming to Jamaica soon." I say laughing

Every time I talk to Kelsey I just laugh even when she's not being funny.

"Who yuh a come wid? Randy?" She asked.

Oh damn I forgot about him.

Kelsey and Randy know each other because Kelseys ex and Randy are friends.

"Ew no girl, I haven't told you about me and him. We are done. Like done done." I said making up my face.

"Girl no yuh neva tell mi. Wah him do?" she says really wanting to know what happened.

"Girl he was cheating the whole time not just with one girl it was 5 of us, and now he's been calling me everyday saying that he is going to kill himself. He even has his mother call me telling me that men will always cheat and I need to give him a second chance." I say getting upset by just thinking about him.

Let me tell yuh wah yuh need fi do. Call the bwoy an nice him up tell him fi come a yuh yard. When him come fuck him and an men him go bout him way. Sometimes yuh need fi get one last fuck before yuh dash weh di bwoy." she says smiling letting me know she did that too many times.

I think about it and it doesn't sound like a bad idea.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea make him know what its like to just be a fuck and nothing more." I say feeling mischievous.

"Yeh girl go call the duty bwoy, but before yuh hang up send mi yuh address mi ago mek mi madda send yuh some tings fi bring down fimi." she says quickly.

That was one mistake I did with telling her I'm coming to Jamaica.

Once you tell someone you're coming down now they want you to bring the whole world. Kelsey's mother lives in the states so she can easily send the stuff overnight.

As I hang up with Kelsey I decide to give Randy a call.

The plan worked I told him that he can come and see me a couple days before I go to Jamaica. We didn't talk that long on the phone, because I could stand to hear his voice.

Tejay POV:

"Yuh nut miss mi" Rosey says.

"Yeh of course, mi miss di tight pum pum." I say flirting back with her.

Rosey is one of my exes I don't want her but we talk from time to time. She always calls and checks up on me. sometimes if I need some credit I ask her and she gives me. She's the type to give me the world. I know that I shouldn't really be talking to her like this or at all, but its no like I'm fucking her. On the other hand I don't really know what Kemora is doing on her free time, she could be talking to her ex and I don't know.

"When yuh a come back to Jamaica?" I ask

"Mi nuh know yet. Mi a wait fi mi madda fi seh di word." She says smiling.

I hate when she mentions her mother. She's 23 and can't travel without her mother. What type of little style is that? Now my mood just change. I don't even want to talk to her anymore.

"So yuh have to go everywhere wid yuh madda? Yuh know wah somebody a call mi, mi will link yuh back." I said relieved that Kemora was calling me, I really didn't want to talk to Rosey anymore.

"Hey princess. What you up to?" I asked feeling a little better.

"Nothing. What took you so long to answer?" she ask with a little attitude in her voice.

Jah Jah she always asking some questions.

"I was folding some clothes." I say rolling my eyes

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