Feb 10

851 66 21

Alisa POV:
I'm at the airport going to Jamaica. I just got through TSA and I'm waiting on my plane to board. I had called Tamara to tell her I'm at my gate. I have been talking to Tamara a lot lately, I know that she will pass the information on to Kemora. I can't wait to see Kemora and turn up with her, that girl is my drinking buddy.

I look up from my phone and I see everyone that was sitting at the gate is gone. I look at the screen and I'm at the wrong gate. I go and I ask one of the workers if she knows what gate I'm supposed to be at.

"You was supposed to be at gate B15 but that plane already left." She says

"is there another plane that leaves out today to Jamaica?" I ask

"No you would have to wait till tomorrow." She says

The lady goes on to tell me that I would have to pay a fee of 50.00 for the next flight tomorrow. I call Tamara and tell her that I'm coming tomorrow because I had missed my flight. 

"Girl how you missed your flight." She says

"I was at the wrong gate." I say

"You know your a little slow in the head I don't know why you didn't travel with Lauren." She says

"Well I would just have to pay 50.00 tomorrow. You can just tell Tejay he doesn't have to come anymore only for tomorrow." I say

"I didn't really tell him yet that he had to pick you up I was just going to tell him when it was close to the time to pick you up." She say

I don't know why she didn't tell Tejay. I don't want him getting mad at me thinking I didn't tell Tamara when I was coming.

"Ok well I will talk to you later. I'm not even going to go home I'm going to sleep in the airport." I say

I get off the phone with her and go on my laptop and do some homework that I need to catch up on.

Kemora POV:

Me and Tejay want to do some laundry for a couple of days now but the washer machine  that came with house doesn't work. There is no hose to connect to it. I told Tamara about it and she said that she will ask Alisa to call the owner of the house. She didn't get back to me about the washer so I decide to text Alisa since she booked the house too.

*Hey did you contact the owner yet about the washer machine.* I said

*What washer machine?* She said

*The one at the house we are staying at it doesn't have the hose to connect to it and we need to wash our clothes. Tamara said she was going to ask you to contact the owner.* I said

*No one told me about that, but I can send you the number so you can call.* She said

I can't believe Tamara didn't tell Alisa about the washer machine and we need to wash our clothes.

Tejay comes in the room and I'm about to tell him what Alisa just told me when he ask me something first.

"When Alisa a come?" He ask

"Today." I say

"Mi a pick har up?" He ask

"No I think Lex is." I say

"Well Jordan just come to mi an seh how Alisa a come today an a mi a pick har up. Mi nuh understand how Lex nah pick har up. Dem cyau just come an seh a mi a dweet an dem not even ask mi." Tejay says

I understand how he feels because no one even came an ask is it okay he can pick her up but they expect him to do it. I'm really going to book that hotel for me and him so he can get a break from all of them.

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