Night out Pt.3

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Tamara POV:

This is our last night in Jamaica. We want to have fun so we decided we wanted to go Taboo. Taboo is a strip club in Jamaica. Yesterday we went to the beach and I didn't have a good time because of the sand. 

Earlier in the day we didn't go anywhere we just stayed in the house and did laundry. I told Jordan to tell his mother, and little sisters to come by and spend time with everyone before we leave. I have been asking to see them since we got here. 

I start putting my dirty close in the bin that is in the closet. I look through the bedroom window and see Jordan down stairs with his friends. I don't want to yell to everyone and ask if he wants me to wash his clothes, so while I'm bring my clothes down to the washer I will just go outside and ask if he wants me to wash his clothes as well. 

I get down stairs and I see Kemora and Alisa on the couch watching some music videos.

"Kemora do you have any more muse?" I ask her 

" Yea I came with two bottles. You can take the bottle that's on my night stand in the room whenever you need it." She says 

I nod my head and walk out to the back I see Jordan smoking his Craven-A and I fan the smoke. I bend down close to his ear.

"Do you want me to wash your clothes or you want to do it yourself?" I asked

"If you don't mind washing them, then you can do it I have no problem." he says back into my ear.

I already knew that he was going to say yes so I had put his clothes in the bin so I can save the time having to go back upstairs. I go over to the laundry room, and I put the clothes in the washer. 

When I'm done in the laundry room I go over and sit with the girls. They are watching Skillibeng Crocodile Teeth for the hundred time.

"So are we all on for Taboo for tonight?" Kemora ask. 

"You already know I was born ready for his." Alisa says 

According to Kemora and Alisa I'm the one that doesn't like to turn up I rather take your phone and record you. I can dance I'm just shy.

"I'm coming but I don't think I will be wearing that outfit that I planned on wearing." I said.

"Girl you're always trying to chicken out of something. The outfit is cute and you have a nice ship I think it will look great on you." Kemora says

"If you are thinking about what Jordan will say something is wrong with you because he is not your father." Alisa say.

I really don't care what these girls have to say I don't want to wear the outfit. To you the truth I am a big girl I wont always think something will look good on me, that's why I keep Alisa around so I can dress her how I would dress if I was slimmer. 

Me and the girls have been sitting down joking and having fun. I start to think about my friendship with each of them. Me and Alisa got really close my last year of high school. I got to know her through Kemora. As I chose to be as the same school as Alisa for college so we can have more fun together. For Kemora we known each other since 6th grade we been close ever since. Some point in high school Kemora had removed her self from me, because of someone I was friends with. I guess they was talking shit about her and she felt like I was defending her name while she wasn't there. I have love for them both, but I feel like I'm more closer to Alisa cause what can Kemora really offer me in our friendship that we have.

*Later that night*

I have been doing laundry for awhile, when I was done Kemora started doing hers and Tejay's laundry. When she put the last load in the dryer she started getting ready for Taboo. Again the boys isn't coming out night. Kesley is coming over to get ready with us. 

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