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a slight tw for canon-typical violence

THE TEMPERATURE SEEMED TO BE STEADILY DROPPING as drops of perspiration appeared on her forehead. Her hands felt clammy, her heart was pounding and her brain was working in overdrive, trying to find the best course of action. Finding none, she decided to go for the simple, yet drastic measure.

Two fingers to the eyes, it is.

She could barely refrain from gagging as her fingers made contact with the man's sweaty face, though the movement had given her an opening.
As he recoiled, she aimed for his solar plexus, but before she could do anything else, the man was ripped off her by a growling blur of cream and jet black, which pinned him against the wall by his throat roughly- just as was done to her seconds prior- the man hitting the brick wall just next to her with an audible thud. Powered by adrenaline, her legs propelled her forward, towards the opposite wall which she rested her arm against, finally daring to look back at the unfolding situation.

A small figure was pinning the man to the wall by his throat, snarling as he struggled, the tiny girl's grip tightening with his every attempt to fight her off.

The bricks, illuminated by the moonlight, now glistened with blood, and she touched the back of her head, probing, though her fingers came away clean.

It wasn't hers.

A wave of nausea rolled over her, at the same time sobering her up. Resting her palms on her knees, she bent forward, taking deep breaths to calm her queasy stomach.

Breathe in.
Breathe out.





As the nausea subsided, she slowly rose, only to see the snarling seer restrained by an equally angry Rosalie.

"Alice, you don't want to do this". Edward said softly, putting his hand on Alice's shoulder.

"Let. Me. Go." Alice growled, attempting to get out of Rosalie's grasp.

"Alice, snap out of it!"
Rosalie pulled Alice off the man, pinning her against the wall by her arms.
"Alice. Look at me. She's safe."

Alice's anger seemed to evaporate, and she slid down the wall, hiding her face in her hands as she ceased breathing.

Edward looked over his shoulder, his eyes meeting a pair of wide, dark orbs.
"You can approach her." He spoke softly, motioning for Anna to come closer. "She needs you. Needs to know that you're okay. Emmett and Jasper will take care of him."

She approached Alice carefully, crouching by her side, gasping in surprise as Alice reached her hand out hastily, cold, dainty fingers intertwining with her own. She rubbed the back of Alice's palm with her shaking thumb, smiling as the vampire squeezed her hand gently before tugging her closer and wrapping her other arm around Anna's waist with a small purr rumbling in her chest. Her breath hitched as Alice's nose ghosted her pulse point and marble arms tightened around her waist.

"Are you alright?" She whispered.

Alice merely nodded, not trusting herself to speak at the moment. She inhaled deeply, swallowing the buildup of venom before finally opening her coal-black eyes.

"When was the last time you ate?" Anna asked quietly.

"Two hours ago" Alice whispered, although she knew that the hours were in fact weeks, months even.

"You need to feed." Anna whispered in realization.

Rosalie's inky eyes narrowed as she looked at her furiously.
"How much do you know?" Her tone was angry, accusing.

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