𝟭. 𝗜𝘀𝗮𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮

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Esmè groaned as her sister Narcissa delivered her baby daughter. She smiled as she held the tiny little girl. Narcissa smiled. "She looks like you. None of Lucius got through. Only the blonde hair. But you have that too. It will be easier that way," she told her.

Esmè nodded. She looked down at the beautiful blonde haired girl. She wiped away some tears. "I really have to do this. Don't I?"

"It's for the best."

Esmè nodded. She sighed. "She can never know of this world. It's too dangerous for her. And I have to protect her. Lucius can never know about her either."

Narcissa took the hand of her sister. "It will be okay. She will grow up loved. She will be so happy. You know that this for the best," she told her.

"I know."

"I'll give you some time," Narcissa said as she stood up and walked off.

Esmè looked down to the tiny baby girl in. She sighed. "You are so precious. My beautiful daughter. Too pure and precious for this horrid world. You're going to grow up knowing love. Not destruction. I love you my beautiful Isabella."

Esmè took off her own locket and kissed it. She wrapped it in the blanket. Narcissa smiled as she walked in. "It's time."



Esmè sat in her bedroom at Malfoy Manor. She sighed as she looked into the locket she had. The photo of Isabella was there. She smiled.

Esmè knew that part of her regretted her choice to give her up. But she knew that she was protecting her from the evil that the wizarding world had to offer.

Esmè knew that Isabella would have been nearly three now. And she always wondered about her personality. What she was like. Who she looked like.

The door opened and Narcissa walked in. She smiled. "Are you okay?" She asked as she looked to her.

Esmè sighed. "She's nearly three. And yet the last couple of years have been so hard. I sit here most nights. And I wonder who's personality has she inherited? Does she look like me or him?"

Narcissa looked at her. "You did what I couldn't for my baby. Protected her. You kept her away from the evil in this world."

"But maybe I could have kept her face."

"Esmè. I see how you are with Cassie. You look out for her. You keep her safe and she loves you. I heard her the other day. She says you're like a mum to her," Narcissa said.

Esmè nodded and sighed. "Yeah. Cassie is... she's my chance. I know she's not mine. But I want to protect her. I can't do that with my Bella."

Narcissa took her hand. "What you did, it was so selfless. She's so happy. I see her with her blonde hair."

"You've seen her?"

"Yes. I went to check in on her before. She really is beautiful," Narcissa told her as she looked to her sister. She smiled. "She has your eyes."

Esmè felt a tear slipping down her cheek. She sighed. "I want to see her."

Narcissa shook her head. "I don't think it's wise. You'll be tempted to take her," she told her as she took her hand again.

"I-I... okay."


Esmè sat in the library at Malfoy Manor. She sighed as Lucius walked in. "Lucius."

"Esmè. It's been a while."

Esmè nodded. "Yes. It has. I should probably be going now. I don't think it wise us being in the same room together," she said as she got off the sofa she was sitting on and walked off.

Lucius went after. "And why is that my dear? Is it because you know that you and I cannot be in the same room without remembering everything that happened between us?" He said.

"No. Because when I look at you, I remember how I betrayed my sister. How I had an affair with her husband," Esmè said as she turned back to him.

Lucius smirked. He grabbed her and pulled her into his arms. He pushed her against a wall. "Look at how you respond to me. You know I can make you cum like no one else."

Esmè pushed him away. She glared. "That was a long time ago. I'm not that girl you can manipulate anymore!"

"We will see. You know that there is a connection between us."


Esmè was sitting in the staffroom at Hogwarts. Severus walked in. He looked to her. "I see you've returned from the manor. I trust it went well," he said.

"When does visiting Malfoy Manor ever go well?" Esmè said as she sighed. "It went as well as can be expected. I just... I don't know."

"You let Lucius Malfoy in. Therefore it's your own fault. And now I have the burden of protecting your daughter from him."

Esmè glared. "She isn't not a burden Severus! How could you even say that?!"

"I say that because not only do I have to make sure Potter doesn't get himself killed, I have to make sure your precious daughter isn't found by her father!"

"You're an asshole. Do you know that?"

"It has been mentioned a couple of times."



Esmè sat in her chambers. There was a knock at the portrait door. She smiled as Cassie walked in. "Hey trouble. You okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. Can I stay here tonight? The common room is doing my head in."

"Course. Come on."

Cassie sighed and walked in. She sat down on the sofa. "Thanks. It's just the common room is being stupid and loud."

"It's okay. You're always welcome here."


Esmè sat in bed and sighed. She knew that she couldn't get Lucius' words out of her head. How there was always a connection between them.

She knew he didn't know about Isabella. He couldn't have. Esmè had kept the pregnancy hidden from him. She had given Isabella the Black surname. It was all that she could do to protect her daughter.

But Esmè had no idea how Isabella was soon to find her way into the Wizarding World. Changing everything for everyone.

PROTECTING HER ➼ Lucius MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now