2.) "Keep Cool, Elsa. Keep Cool..." (Elsa)

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A/N: Sorry for such a long wait, I took a break from writing for a while but I'm back and I wrote this over the course of 1 1/2 hours and edited it first thing in the morning at 6AM. You're welcome. Also, just to make the ages clear here, Mirabel is 14, Anna is 18, Isa is 20, Elsa is 21, and Alma just old still (69). With that said and done, I am always open to corrects and suggestions with my writing. Especially as I'm not Latine or Indigenous so please keep me in check if you are. Enjoy!


            "Keep it cool- Er..." Elsa paced back and forth in her chambers, that whole morning she tried and tried to withhold the cold from spreading. Tonight could make or break her kingdom's economic state. One unforgiving lord, queen, or president who sees it slip could spread the horrible news about her to at least halfway across the world and all trades and alliances will be crushed. Asphyxiated! Pulled into a national economic drought, the likes of which she would have never seen before! The likes of which her parents would've never seen. Oh, her parents... Elsa made a vow on the day of their deaths to never let them down again.                    
            They deserved better.

           Elsa had seen the benevolence and wisdom with which her mother and father led Arendelle, and dreamed so deeply to be exactly like that. That dream however is old and dead. The mere whimsy of an irresponsible, reckless, and brash child's foolish head. Ignorance is true bliss because with ignorance you'll never see the faults of the world, or yourself. Such faults Elsa considered herself abundant in. These imperfections were exactly why that dream had to be laid out on the block. How could she effectively rule from the cowardice safety of her bed chambers? Elsa shook her thoughts out of her head, it was pertinent that she remained focused. Elsa took a deep, concentrated, and took a stiff breath in.
            "Warm..." Exhale...

            "Think warm thoughts, Elsa.". The soon-to-be queen wandered over to her window, gazing around at the lands she will soon have unequivocal, absolute responsibility for. "Warm, warm thoughts.". The anxiety in her chest knew that she only had today to prove she was everything her father was, and preferably more. Well, prove it at least to the people that mattered.
           Just her people...
           —And every influential or political figure within a thousand miles radius...
            And her sister. Hell!
            Even her parents undoubtedly watched her from above. Careful eyes like hawks. If even one of those people could see that— Curse of hers, it'd be disastrous. Elsa turned her back to the window. 'One more try'...

            The portrait of her father felt almost like it would come alive and speak to her. His eyes of bay leaf green almost moved to follow Elsa. Cautious, Elsa removed the comfortable warmth her smooth, polar fleece gloves brought her. Carefully, she picked up the candlestick and jewelry box on top of a long and elegant table of drawers. Conservative with her breaths, Elsa mutters out,
            "Conceal.". Just like her father had told her, time after time, "Don't feel...". Despite her best efforts, counting the seconds, the ice spread within moments. She swiftly dropped the object back on the table, cursing at herself. There's no way her performance will hold up. The gates would have to close again. All she needed was for her show, this— Charade, to succeed for just one evening. Just for today.

            Oh, the agony she'd have to sit through. Just to wait for the next hours to be over. Elsa gave herself one rule to follow for tonight to uphold her vow. So no one sees;

            Do not let anyone in.

            Her feelings will be her downfall.
            Her kingdom's downfall.
            So she prayed no one would be able to gaze behind her curtain of crystalline beauty, sophistication, and above all else,

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