Chapter 5 - Some people are born rich [Noemi]

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I prayed for the sound of my car's engine humming to fill the car, I turned the key to hear it stutter for a few moments before it finally sprung to life. A sigh of relief escaped my body. Tamara sat nervously beside me biting her nails, I didn't need to be an empath to feel her anxiety, confusion and the overwhelming feeling of nausea. Sasha and I may share blood but she wasn't my sister; not like Tamara. We didn't have the memories of late-night talks, nor did we have birthdays shared sharing a small cake. She didn't understand the struggles I had put myself through for Tamara's chance of a better future, she didn't have to have someone do that.

Some people are born rich, they could afford to make mistakes and that was something I had managed to get over until today. Sasha not only got to have my mother but she got a mass amount of wealth that would make anyone jealous. I rested my head against the steering wheel for a few seconds allowing myself to control myself, my anger festering and as it did my fingers tightly gripped the steering wheel of the car. A light tap from Tamara caused me to peel myself away as she lifted her hand pointing towards the limo that was leaving. That was my queue to drive after it.

"Mara," I was about to argue about going to this 'family' get together but the look on her face was enough for me to set the car into drive and trail after it. "I hope you know what we're getting ourselves into. We're going to be out of place... even more so than we were." I turned to her being stuck behind traffic seconds after leaving the graveyard.

"I know," She responded quietly even being this close was a struggle to hear, her words filled with sorrow and the nervousness was flooding as a gate had just broken. That was all the conversation we had on the quiet drive, the sites were enough to pull Tamara's attention as she stared out of the window. The soft music being spat out from the radio was enough to fill the world around me, hanging on to every lyric like it was speaking to me.

I fixed my eyes on the road only turning to check on Tamara at every redlight, usually just to make sure she was still with me and then checking the road again mostly to make sure the car wasn't driving into someone. Following the limo like a moth to a flame, but daring not to look through the back window became some sort of a challenge, however, it never left my view.

Tamara didn't look at me but she was busy drawing shapes on the window with her breath, her fingers leaving a mark. I hadn't seen her like this before, no matter what we faced she normally had a smile plastered against her face. I wanted to reach out to her, to give her the comfort she deserved but at the same time, I was afraid I would make things worse.
I wanted to hear a smile, I wanted to be like normal siblings, the way we were before... before all of this. I was worried that I was losing Tamara to darkness that I couldn't help her through. My words would have been filled with spite and anger towards Sasha and the perfect life. Apart from me felt like she had stolen it from me and Tamara.

I tried to shake that thought from my mind as the limo finally slowed and stopped. I saw the large building getting bigger in my view and saw the multitude of people with different cars being around us. I hadn't noticed til now that they were the same cars over and over again, in different order sometimes but the same car. They must be some of the family I was graciously allowed to meet on its evening.

Tamara turned to look at me and I knew she was nervous about the situation, knowing exactly who my 'family' was only made her more anxious. Her hand was held tight against her mouth as she looked at the large estate I had subconsciously begun pulling into. A large black gate separated the large house with more rooms than one family could need from the rest of the world. The windows were large and crystal clear with not a smudge of dirt daring to plague the perfect house. Coming to a stop I felt a knock at my window, a male dressed in all red.

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