Nervous/Bad Habit-

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Gilbert Blythe- Nail biting. You tend to do this A LOT when you're anxious and or shy. Gilbert has picked up on this habit a lot ever since he practically met you. Now being together, you still tend to this which Gilbert thinks is pretty cute but he always pries your hand away from your mouth and hold onto your hand and rub them softly which makes you blush and smile softly.

Jerry Baynard- Lip picking. You do this a lot when you're anxious or upset. Jerry hasn't thought much of this until he really thought about and pieced it all together and every time you were upset or anxious about something you always picked at your lips.

Jerry didn't want you making yourself bleed so he pried your hands away from your mouth and held onto your hands "He, arrete ca" he said (Hey, stop that), you smiled sheepishly "Desolee" you whispered which made him smile and peck your lips which made you blush shyly.

Moody Spurgeon- Chew on your sleeves. You did this a lot when you were bored mainly. Moody's picked this up all the time in class. When you were doing your homework or reading, your sleeve was always in your mouth. He would laugh cause it was kinda cute,

But he'd notice you were ruining your clothes so when the teacher turned his back or stepped out of the room, he would walk up to you and pull the sleeve from your mouth "Knock it off. You're ruining your clothes" he whispered, you blushed shyly and stuttered an apology which made him peck your lips and return to his seat before the teacher came back.

Charlie Sloane- Tapping. You did this a lot when you were bored. Charlie's picked up on this every day in school and when things were quiet you always, always started tapping on your desk. He chuckled a little and shook his head and let you do your own thing since you weren't hurting anybody.

Cole Mackenzie- Humming. You did this a lot when things got too quiet and whenever you were studying or doing homework. Cole's noticed this everytime you both hung out and studied together. He didn't mind the humming, he thought it was kinda cute that you hummed while you both studied.

Sebastian Lacroix- Mumbling. You did this a lot when you were anxious or nervous. You weren't great around groups of people like your twin brother was so whenever you were grouped into having to talk to people, you mumbled a lot. Sebastian thought it was cute, but he'd hold your hand and reassure you.

(Oop, enjoy)

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