Mental Health Pt. 1-

314 6 5

Gilbert Blythe- PTSD, Depression, Anxiety

Jerry Baynard- Social Anxiety

Moody Spurgeon- ADHD

Charlie Sloane- Eating Disorder, Binging/Purging

Cole Mackenzie- Depression with Self-harm Ideations

Sebastian Lacroix- Depression 

(OOP. ENJOY. Reminder I have these issues, no hate to those who don't. I know mental health is different for anyone and also I write about these because it's how I cope so if anyone thinks i'm "romanticizing mental health" Can fuck off because i'm not, I literally write about it to cope with my shit so if you don't like it, then don't fucking read it because I don't wanna fucking hear it. So enjoy! Feel free to leave other preference suggestions. I am thinking of opening up for requests so if you wanna leave a simple/easy prompt and character feel free and i'll do what I can!)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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