Chapter 7 Enemy or frenemy?

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Heeeeeeeeey ya'll I am absolutely sorry for the late update!!!!!!!!!!! I feel so horrible! i have been so busy lately and I haven't had any time to update. But I am doing it now so yeah........ Please tell me what you think! 

Love Ya'll! 



When I arrived at school I parked in the parking the car and I saw a few girls running to the circle, there was a lot of screaming and jumping. I thought I would go over there to see so I did........


I cursed to myself as I stood there flabbergasted at my sight. It was my ex- bestfriend Ashley. We were friends from pre- school to grade 8 as soon as we hit grade 9 she changed, she got her first boyfriend and left me behind, she started dressing more adult like, and she eventually forgot about me. I was really sad back then, I cried myself to sleep every night for 3 months straight. Then I just thought I should grow up so I tried to forget about her but I couldn't it still hurt every time I saw a picture of her, or heard her name. She was my bestest friend and I truly loved her. She broke me into a million pieces. When we were friends she had dirty blonde hair and she was short around 5 foot she has green eyes and she still does have green eyes. Now she has blonde hair with pink and red highlights, It suited her very well I should say. But she has gotten taller maybe around 5 foot 3 now. She was with..... Harry, Zayn, Niall, Liam, and Louis. I couldn't believe my eyes! Zayn was kissing Ashley!!!!!!! Two days after he came to my house and kissed me! WTF!!!??? I slowly backed up, turned and quickly ran to the bathroom in the school. When I got there I grabbed a razor from my bag and slowly took off my jacket and looked at my wrist, I stared at it for at least 3 minutes then I slowly put the blade on my left wrist and cut. I winced from the shocking pain on my wrist. I grabbed the blade again and slit 3 more cuts into my wrist. I winced from each and every cut. It was starting to sting and burn. I looked down and started to cry, I was bleeding rapidly and I didn't know what to do. I wrapped my wrist up in my jacket, wiped my tears and ran to my car. When I got to my car I saw Zayn standing leaning against my car on his phone. I was still crying and I had blood on my hand and all over my pants. I cleared my throat and he looked up and smiled, is smile disappeared when he saw all the blood. I looked down in embarrassment. He said " Kestyn what did you do!?" 

I replied " Don't you dare talk to me!!!" 

He said " Kestyn what did I do? More importantly what did you do!?" 

I snapped at him " That is not your Fucking business you fucking asshole!!!"

He looked shocked and replied " Kestyn please let me help you!" as he took a step closer

" I don't need your help! You broke my heart! Stay away from me I don't need you In my life!" 

He looked at me and a tear streamed down his face, he walked away. I fell to the ground sobbing, then I felt dizzy and light headed. I passed out.

*In The Hospital*

I woke up to a weird beeping noise and I tried to open my eyes but It was no use. So I tried speaking but nothing would come out! Was I dead!? What happened to me!? The last thing i remember was arguing with Zayn and he left crying. Ohmigod what did I do!? What did he do?! Suddenly I made a slight moaning sound and I could open my eyes. It was bright white at first but I blinked a few times and then everything got better. I looked to my left and i saw Zayn and Louis I looked down and realized I was in the hospital! Ohmigod! I coughed and Zayn woke up and he looked like he has been crying his eyes were red and puffy. He said " Oh my god kestyn! are you okay!?" 

I said " I don't know Zayn you broke my fucking heart! you should of just left me there to die! Not take me to this fucking hospital! You ruin everything! you asswipe!"

He said " Whoa Kestyn calm down! Look I'm sorry! I love you!" 

I said " Cut the crap you cunt! Get me outta this hospital and take me home! I don't wanna see your fucking face ever again!" 

He said " Okay I'm sorry. Let me go get the nurse." 

I just layed there thinking then 5 minutes later a nurse walked in and told me a bunch of random crap on why I should not cut. Then she made me sign papers and then I got dressed and left. I told Zayn and Louis to take me home, they did as told. When I got home i ran out of the car and ran inside. I threw all of my stuff of and took another Tylenol and went to sleep. 

*Zayn's P.O.V*

I was crying but then I heard a thump on the ground and I turned and saw Kestyn laying ther un consious with blood everywhere. i called 911 and they rushed her to the hospital. I blacked out after i saw the cuts on her wrist.

*Ashley's P.O.V*

I had just moved to Bradford a day before the high school had started. So I went. i really missed Kestyn i feel bad I love her still she still has a place in my heart. 

On the first day of High School I went to school and when I got there I kissed Zayn!.........


There you go its chapter 8! Im sorry if it sucks. I wrote it in one day. So im sorry if its crappy. I love ya'll!!!! Comment, vote, and fan! Tell me what you think!!!!! 

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