Chapter 12- Yeah we are so over!!

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heey its................ KESTYN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How is everyones Easter today!? Happy Easter everyone!! I think im going to call you all my..... Whorans, or kaliens? Tell me what you think! Anyways here is chapter 12...... hope you like it!  Also it's gunna be like a Sam Pottorff, Kian Lawley, One direction mashup. With a whole bunch of other celebs...... Sorry if it's confusing! message me and I will try explain it to you! Well anyways ENJOY!!!! 

p.s read my new book called Picute Perfect

It's a way better book then this one tbh read it please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!


(Kestyn's POV)

Today I was going to starbucks with Acacia to catch up on some things. Oh yeah GUESS WHAT!!!!???? Me and Zayn are over! WANNA KNOW WHY??!? HE CHEATED ON ME WITH..... THE ONE AND ONLY ASHLEY! But I could care less I knew it would happen eventually, that's why I shouldn't trust Zayn! We weren't even back together for 2 fuckin' days! But oh well I don't need a guy in my life. I will just goto the dance by myself. Screw going to the mall with him! I will tell you what happened, okay well I was walking to my house I saw Ashley with her red hair kissing a guy with a quiff........ I look closer and sure enough it was Zayn, I felt sad and pissed off but I guess its his fault for loosing a girl like me. Anyways I just finished getting ready I was wearing my black TOMS with some blue skinny jeans and my black oversized cardigan. I put my hair in a sock bun and just left like that. I made my way to starbucks. When I got there I heard a LOUD scream and I scruch my nose from the ear piercing sound, I turned around to find the one and only..... Sam Pottorff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I LOVE SAM POTTORFF!! HE IS MY IDOL I LOVE HIM! I thought ' Okay Kestyn just play it cool! Don't make a freaking fool of yourself!' I just walked to the counter and ordered a Large frappicino with extra whip cream. I waited for my frappicino 2 minnutes later the cashier person girl gave me my frappicino I paid 2.50 and I turned around, as I turned around I bumped into the Sam Pottorff he made me spill my drink all over me! I gasped and looked at him our eyes connected and he said " Oh my gosh I'm soooooo sorry!" I said " Hey Sam it's alright be cool!" I start laughing and walk away. He came up to me grabbed my wrist and said " Are you sure? I will make it up to you!" I said " Sam!! I said it's okay chill out!" And with that we hugged he smelt really freakin good! He said " Okay well now i'm all dirty so uhh would you uhh wanna p-p-possibly g-go on a daate with m-me?" AAAWWWWEEHH he was nervous that's so cute! I said " Sam I would love to!" He smiled and said " Okay meet me at the park in 1 hour" I nodded and started walking I yelled " BYEE SAM!!" He waved goodbye. When I arrived home I thought I would get ready so I did. I took a quick 5 minute shower, let my hair dry naturally, I applied some blue eyeshadow and some mascara with a hint of blush. I added a blue bow to my hair. I went into my closet and picked out my blue beanie, with blue skinny jeans, with my white ' LAWLORFF' hoodie. I put on my necklace with the diamonds and left to the park. I grabbed my phone left.

(Sam Pottorff's POV)

Today I went to starbucks and I met the most beautiful girl ever! She has dark brown lucious eyes, blonde scene hair, she was a chubby girl but I liked that she really pretty. When we met I spilt her drink all over her, I felt so bad so now i'm taking her to the park. I was wearing a blue beanie with some gray joggers and my red hoodie. I was textin Julian. I looked to my left and saw the starbucks girl. She looked so georgous! I got up and walked to her and said " Heey... I don't know your name..." She said " Ohh my name is Kestyn- Shae! but you can make me a nickname if you want to...." She looked down embarassed. I put my two fingers under her chin and lifted it up I whispered " Kek you look so beautiful tonight. Like i'm not lying...." She smiled and kissed my cheek. She started running and yelled " You can get one on the lips if you catch me!!!" She started laughing so I chased after her. Damn she was a fast runner for a short girl! I stopped and fell to the ground panting for air. Suddelny something jumped on me. I looked up and saw kek on top of me with a huge grin plastered to her face. She said " Miss me, Miss me, Betcha wanna kiss me!" I said " I do wanna kiss you!" And with that a grabbed her cheeks and kissed her softly. She kissed back instantly. I flipped us around so I was on the top. She tried to deepen the but I wouldn't let her. She pulled away and smiled. We were smiling like maniacs for a while now! But I could stay like this forever. I got off of her and we watched the sun set.... next thing I know she fell asleep on my chest. So I fell asleep to the sound of her beautiful breathing.

(Ashley's POV)

I'm dating Harry! I know everyone thought I was going to date Zayn but I like Harry more. Also me and Liam are over for good! Today me an Harry were going to the beach because it was a really hot day today and it was almost fall so we decided it would be okay to go today. I was going to wear my neon green bikini. I put on my jean short short booty shorts with my YOLO tank top. I put on my green flip flops and texted harry

To Harry- Hey babe I'm ready :)

From Harry- Okay babe one question.... What happened between you and Zayn?

To Harry- Uhmmm we just kissed when he was dating Kestyn.... But it was an accident.. Are you mad?

From Harry- Hell no babe i'm not mad were we dating when this happened?

To Harry- NO!!! You asked me like 4 hours after that happened.

From Harry- Okay good. Well Zayn is depressed now....

To Harry- Why did Kestyn dump his ass?

From Harry- Yeah I think she is with a guy named Sam

To Harry- Okay well come get me peasant!

From Harry- I'm here!

I put my phone in my pocket grabbed my bag and ran outside. I found Harry sitting on the curb I ran to him and hugged him. He said " Whoah someone missed me!"

I said " Is that a problem?"

He said " NO! I like it!"

And with that he kissed me. I kissed back and we just stood on the curb kissing for like 5 minutes.

( Zayn's  POV)

I am such a dick head!!!! I cheated on Kestyn- shae again!! She dumped me though! Now i'm so freakin depressed. i can't eat, sleep, or even move. I just need her back.

So I texted her-

 To Kestyn- Hi it's Zayn are you mad at me?

From Kestyn- No I'm over it.

To Kestyn- Well do you wanna give me another chance?


I didn't bother texting back I knew she was pissed at me... Time to call Perrie.....

( Liam's POV)

Me and Montanah were sitting on the couch snuggling. Ashley kept popping into my head I must have broken her heart but Oh well.


Okay this book is HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!  Sooo i'm making a new one its called Picture Perfectplease read it!? Thanks. This book is so freakin stupid so please just read my other book!

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