Chapter 18- Love Hate

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Hey my lovelies! :) Have any of you heard about Maisy and Lennon Stella!? They are so amazing you guys should check them out! Okay well anyways here is chapter 18 :) its going to be really really short because im kinda busy but it will be longer next chapter


(Ashley's POV)

I'm guessing I fell asleep because i'm in the hut by myself. I could hear laughter and screaming coming from outside the hut so I got up and walked outside the hut only to be hit in the face with water, I see Harry infront of me laughing like a maniac i knew it was him who hit me in the facewith water so I ran up to him and tackled him to the ground he started laughing harder. I got off him and threw water in his face. Next thing i knew we were all laughing an having a water fight it was really fun. Harry ran up to me and kissed me it was magical.


Yah okay I know it sucks but I just wanted to get this chapter over and done with because I have a suprise for chapter 19!! :) So stay tuned y'all :) Sorry if its soo fricken short! Dont hate me though cuz I love y'all :)

Xoxxxxoxxxxxo Kestyn- shae :)

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