Chater 8 Wtf is going on!?

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HEEEEEYOOOOOO!!!!!! I am so freaking sorry for the confusion! In the last 2 chapers! i said Cynthia was my ex besfriend in chapter 7 then in chapter 8  sai Ashley. Ashley is cynthia just to clear things up! So anyways I owe you guys bigtime!!! So here is chapter 9!!!!!!!! Hope you enjoy it!!!!!!

Love: Kestyn!! _____________________________________________________________________________

(Kestyn's P.O.V)

"Don't you worry there my honey! We might not have any money, but we've got our love to pay the bills!!!!!!" Was blaring through my alarm speakers. I groggily got out of bed and turned off my alarm. I went into the bathroom and stripped down so I was nude. I slowly walked over to the shower turned the knob all the way so it was steaming hot. I didn't care if I burnt myself I needed to wash all of the pain off and it made me feel refreshed when I took a hot shower. So I hopped into the steaming hot shower and the water droplets burnt as they hit my skin, but I just had to get used to it. 5 minutes into the shower I finially got used to the steaming water. I felt refreshed and more cleansed. After about 20 minutes I hopped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my chubby body. I looked n the mirror and I looked really pale but I didn't care. I walked out of the bathroom and back into my room and I walked over to my closet. I was looking through my clothes and I decided to wear 'pink' yoga pants with a bright green shirt that said 'YOLO' in the front. I put on my clothes and grabbed a pair of neon purple ankle socks. I put them on and walked over to my body length mirror and left my hir down in its natural curl, I put a green flower in my bangs and I wore my fake pink nerd glasses. I didn't put no make-up on. I grabbed my black sneakers and my phone, and car keys amd left. I locked the door and I went into my car and drove off to school it was raining which motherfuckin' sucked! I saw a girl walking on the sidewalk in the rain I pulled over and said " Hey would you like a ride?" She nodded her head and I opened the passenger door for her and she got in the car and put her seatbelt on. She had long brown hair, black square/rectangle glasses, she was a tan color and she was very, very, very, very fucking pretty! I asked her " What is your name?"

She replied " Oh I am Janae! Nice to meet you....." 

I said " Ohhhhh Im Kestyn!" 

She smiled in return and looked down at her feet. 10 minutes later we arrived at school and she thanked me for the ride and I just smiled and I watched as she walked into the distance, she met up with a blondie. I am pretty sure it was Niall from one direction. But I wasn't to sure so I walked to the front oor of high school and relized......... OMFGSH  I MISSED THE FIRST DAY OF GRADE 12!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!!!!!!! I was so pissed and looked in my bag which was already in the car from the previous day. I looked to my left and saw.... JANAE AND NIALL KISSING!!! LIKE A FULL ON MAKEOUT SESSION!!! WHAT THE FUCK! HOLY FUCKEROOS! WHY!? WHEN!? GOSH!? This was one confusing day! i grabbed my schedule and I looked at it, it said my first class was Math in room 405. So I walked over to room 405 and opened the door. Thank god there wasn't that many people in class yet. But the people who were in the class were the people I hated the most and never wanted to see them again!!!!!!! It was Ashley and Zayn. They sat in the back snogging away like animals. I walked over to the front row and took a seat. I sat there until the bell rang then the class started flooding in with students. I kept my head low and kept a low profile. I didn't really didn't pay attention in class. Then the bell rang and I walked fastly out of the door. But a hand grabbed my wrist, I looked back and saw Zayn. 

He said " Kestyn we need to talk!" 

I said " Zayn back off! I said don't touch me or talk to me!!!!" 

He said " Kestyn I love you so much! Please forgive me!"

I said " Zayn you broke my heart, you lied, and you lost my trust. You kissed my ex bestfriend!" 

He said " I know and i'm terribley sorry! I didn't mean to but lets face it Ashley is hot!" He said licking his lips and he had a smirk on his face.

I said " Zayn you are a disgusting human! I hate you! You kissed me and made me fall in love with you, and I believed you liked me back but you didn't you like Ashley Im done with you Zayn!" 

with that I walked out of the classroom and didn't look back. 

(Janae's P.O.V)

This really nice girl named Kestyn drove me to school. When I got to school I went over to see Niall. 

He said " Hey babe!" 

I said " Hiii" 

and with that we kissed and we had a steamy make out session! It lasted for 10 mintues and it made Niall get a boner. We went into the school and into a janitors closet and I gave him a B.J He cummed into my mouth and I swallowed it all. 

(Ashley's POV)

I felt so bad for Kestyn. I made her cut and I feel really bad! I love her as a friend!  Zayn loves me but I love Liam!!!!!! Liam is taking me on a date tonight!!!! I am so excited! 


There you go!!! Here is chapter 9!!! Tell me what you think!!!! Its kinda perverted at the end but oh well!!! I am so sorry if its crappy its just the beginning though so I love you all! 

please vote, comment, and fan!!!! It would mean so much for me!!!!! 

Love: Kestyn XoXoXo

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