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Hey you guys.. i'm sorry for not writing in such a long time.. I have been so busy and I forgot.. But thank you for all the reads.. it means so much to me.. in this chapter it's 3 months after they have been on that island they finally get saved. there will be some tension between Kestyn and Sam.. but yeah thank for reading. c:


Paul's POV

Nobody can find the boys anwhere.. We sent out a search party for them hopefully we can find them.


-Hello? Paul speaking-

-Hello Paul this is Sandra from the search team.. We found the boys-

-Oh thank god Sandra! Bring them back to the apartment asap!-

-I will bring all of them back. Niall insists they do.-

-Fine just hurry up-

-okay goodbye Paul-


Thank god! We found the boys.

Kestyn's POV

We finally got saved after three horrible months! yay! me and sam haven't got back together.. we never talk. Janae and Niall are doing pretty good. Liam and Julian are doing fine. Zayn, Louis, and Harry are doing just fine. Liam and Montanah are over. Montanah left for good. Everyone is just fine.. except for me.. I'm doing horrible.. I hate this.. I hate this feeling. But anyways we're on the helicopter so i'll go to sleep.

Sam's POV

You know how people say that if you don't talk to people for a long period of time you forget your feelings for them? Well it doesn't work.. Me and Kestyn haven't talked in 2 months and I can't forget about her.. If anything i'm growing feelings for her more deeply. When we get back to L.A i'm going to try fix everything with her.

*When we arrive back to l.a*

Everyone was happy to be back in l.a. The press was all over us. i'm just gunna go home and go to sleep.


im sorry if it sucks.. but they are back home now! yay! well in the next chapter it will be about the boys only.. the boys as in one direction.. k bye thanks for reading c:

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