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Someone yelled her name loud enough to get the attention of the people around them. Some students were eyeing Jennie with jealousy,  some students were eyeing Jennie with pure judgment.

Jennie hissed silently as she threw glares at the person running towards her direction.

"You don't need to shout my name, Rosie. I've already had enough with people knowing me." Jennie rolled her eyes as she turned away, walking straight to their classroom with her friend trailing behind her.

Ignoring all the glares and curious eyes throwing at her.

Rosie chuckled guiltily. "Sorry, Jen. I'm just too excited to see you." She replied apologetically.

Jennie shakes her head. "I wonder why." She sarcastically remarked, rolling her eyes.

"Well, it's just that my only best friend is finally dating the campus' most heartthrob gangster exclusively after more than two years of courtship." Rosie stated earning a slap on her arm from Jennie but she just laughed it off.

Jennie rolled her eyes but the smile still lingering on her face. "Oh, shut up, Chaeng." Jennie replied before they both entered their classroom.

Jennie unconsciously paid no attention to her best friend as the event from the other night came back to her mind. She felt like she's levitating with so much happiness as she remembers how her two years suitor and now her officially girlfriend asked her to become finally together.

Lisa, the bad girl of the campus and the captain of the school's popular female basketball team, had been courting-- not only jennie-- but also Jennie's mother and father, who happened to be against the relationship of the two as they both wanted their only child to be with a straight man.

But through Lisa's dedication and pure intention to their loving daughter and after two long years, they finally agreed and supported the two.

"Hey! Are you even listening to me?" Rosé asked with a pout.

Jennie shook her head to remove the memory temporarily and smiled to Rosé. "Sorry, I just remembered something."

"Oh! I know exactly what that is."

"What is it, then?"

"Hmm, base on your undying smile formed on that lips of yours and the radiating happiness in your eyes, I can definitely pinpoint that the source of you daydreaming is none other than the captain Lalisa Manoban." Rosé confidently answered with a playful smile on her face. "And! Who is currently staring at you right now."

"W-What?!" Jennie quickly turned her head around and found the most gorgeous woman she has ever met standing on the other building's corridor in front of their building, there stood Lisa with her friends behind her.

"Aaaand, there goes Jennie's iconic gummy smile again." Rosé whispered on Jennie's ear then she laughed at her friend teasingly.

"Oh shut up, Chaeng." Jennie said wuth a huge smile playing on her lips.

Without anymore thoughts, Jennie quickly stands up and and run outside to meet her girlfriend, ignoring Rosé's warning about the five minutes time before their first period professor arrives.

"Good morning, gorgeous." Lisa greeted Jennie with a huge smile.

Lisa's friends behind her, greeted Jennie as well one by one.

Jennie smiled at them and shyly waved her hand.

"Hi." Jennie said back in a low voice but still wearing her huge smile, causing Lisa to raise an eyebrow.

Lisa chuckled before placing a soft kiss on Jennie's forehead. "What gotten you so happy early in the morning, girlfriend?" Lisa asked in a teasing voice.

Knowing how Jennie blushes so hard upon hearing the word girlfriend from her.

Lisa laughed adorably when Jennie blushed and hid her own face on Lisa's neck. Inhaling her favorite scent.

"Well, you make me happy, girlfriend. Thank you." Jennie teased back, causing Lisa to hug Jennie tighter.

"You've been thanking me since the other day, babe, and I've told you, you have nothing to thank me."

"I sure have, babe. Thank you for not giving up on us. Even though my dad pretty much gave you a hard time."

Lisa internally groaned as she remembered all the things she had to do and follow in order to get Jennie's father's blessing.

"Oh, come on. Running errands everyday has been my exercise, you know. Plus, your dad helps to keep me in shape." Lisa said flexing the muscle on her arm.

Jennie laughed at that but quickly faded when she remembered how Lisa suffer and how many bruises she got because of the challenges she faced from her overprotective father.

Lisa noticed that, so she immediately lifted Jennie's face using both of her hands and smiled brightly at her girlfriend.

"I know what you're thinking. Stop worrying about it, babe. Your parents gave us their blessing already. I'm quite sure that your father won't give me anymore hardships when he calls me again. He already agreed, anyway." She said, trying to lighten up Jennie.

Jennie sighed and kissed Lisa's lips, a quick peck on her lips, there are still students glancing and staring at them. Plus, Lisa's friends are just three feet away from them.

"I love you, Lisa." Jennie whispered lovingly.

Lisa smiled beautifully upon hearing it from Jennie for the third time since she said yes to Lisa.

"I love you more than you could ever imagine." Lisa replied before placing her soft lips to Jennie's waiting one.

"Enough smooching, lovebirds! Professor Han is currently standing at your classroom door, Jennie!" Jisoo, Lisa's best friend, interrupted them as she pointed at Jennie's classroom.

There she saw her terror Algebra professor and her best friend behind the professor Han, signaling her to come quick.

"Oh shoot! Have to go, babe. See you at lunch." Jennie said but before she can run, Lisa held her arm.

"What? Lisa, Professor Han is--"

Jennie was shut up by Lisa's lips again.

"Just want to kiss you again. See you at lunch. I love you." Lisa smiled teasingly and stepped back, placing both of her hands inside her pants' pockets.

Jennie narrowed her eyes playfully and mouthed, "Dork. I love you more." before finally running towards her awaiting hands-on-his-hips-trying-to-look-intimidating professor.

JENLISA SHORT STORIES ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon