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- Lisa G!P -

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Lisa's POV

"Babe! She was just asking, there's nothing wrong with it!" I exclaimed in disbelief as I entered our bedroom and tossed my bag on the bed.

My fiancé, Jennie Kim, followed me with her raging eyes. "There was nothing wrong with it not until she fucking stood an inch away from you and fucking touch you in front of me!" Jennie loudly growled.

Jennie was really mad. As in so mad. It only happens when someone or anyone would be talking to me or even approaching me. She hated it.

We went to a mall earlier to buy our necessities and to have our little date as well, everything was going so fine but not until the moment when my fucking ex-girlfriend approached me and attempted to hug me in front of my own fiancé.

As super possessive as she is, Jennie immediately took me away from my ex and protectively hid me behind her as she glared at my ex. The latter was seemed to be amused by my fiancé's anger, she even blew a fucking flying kiss on me with a wink before she walked out of the scene.

And now, I'm fucking facing my furious kitten.

"You fucking let that bitch touched you! Why, huh? Still affected by her fucking seduction?!" Jennie glared at me like she was eating my whole entire well-being.

This kitten can also turn into a fucking lion when she's mad. I thought lion is the king of the jungle, I didn't know it was actually a Queen, what the fuck.

I sighed deeply before I turned my back to face her again.

We're always like this. People usually told me that this relationship was toxic. They taught Jennie was just controlling me and preventing me to come near anyone else because she's too possessive and controlling. They didn't know how sweet and caring this kitten is.

Jennie may be a very possessive bitch but that was only because of my two times cheating behind her back.

She wasn't like this before. I can hang out with anyone I want before. I can go out, go to any bars and drink without her permission even if she's my girlfriend. I can do whatever I want without asking for her permission. Jennie allowed me to do what I want because like what she said before, she wants me to be happy by doing the things I want and she would never be a hindrance to it. But that only led me to cheat on her, twice.

At first, she immediately forgave me without even hearing my explanation which was I don't really had since it was me who initiated that. But when the second came and Jennie almost broke up with me because she told me she can't handle me anymore, that she was tired of crying every night because I'm always ignoring her, that she wasn't feeling anymore special, that she wasn't happy anymore with me. That moment was when I finally woke up to reality that I can't live without her, that I truly love my girlfriend so much. That I fucking regret what I did.

I did everything to make it up to her. Everything. I've been the best version of myself for her and gladly, after seven months of trying to get her back, I finally made it and got her back to me.

It wasn't easy at first because she was still afraid of me cheating behind her, so I decided to give her every single updates of what am I doing every now and then.

But after I get her back, I'm aware that I wasn't looking at the same Jennie as before. No gentle and shy Jennie but it became a possessive and bitchy Jennie. She became different but still my Jennie though. She turned to be over-protective, she got jealous over any girls who tried to talk to me or even stare at me, she became more possessive and she was now controlling me. Which I allowed to happen.

JENLISA SHORT STORIES ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon