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Lisa's POV

"Shit! Jenni—" hindi ko na natuloy ang sasabihin ko nung bigla akong tinulak ni Jennie sa wall nitong kwarto ko before she kissed me on the lips.

I felt Jennie's hands wrapping around my neck as she deepened the kiss while I put my hands on her waist to pull her closer to me.

"Mmh." She moaned when I suddenly cupped her right breast.

Her lips moved down on my neck as she trailed her tongue on my lips down on my chin then on my neck.

"Jen, we s-should stop. B-baka hinahanap na nila tayo." I mumbled nervously as I felt her leave marks on my neck. Shit.

This is so fucking wrong. Hindi dapat namin to ginagawa. Pero kinokontra naman ng katawan ko ang nasa isip ko.

I should push her. Kaya ko naman tong itigil. Pero hindi ko magawa dahil gusto ko rin to. Gusto ko tong ginagawa namin.

Jennie put her hand on my mouth to cover it as she stared in my eyes.

"First of all, I don't care if they're looking for us. Why are you so nervous? If they caught us, then let them. Secondly, it's babe, not Jen nor Jennie. Understand?" Jennie said with authority.

Wala na kong nagawa kundi pumikit sandali at itango ang ulo ko saka tinanggal ang kamay niya sa bibig ko.

I pulled her by the nape and kissed her with want. Putangina! Bahala na kung mahuli. Maingay pa naman to.

I stepped forward while she stepped backwards for us to reach my bed. I carefully laid her down as I crawled on top of her.

"Don't be loud." I uttered in her lips with a deep raspy voice that made her turn on all the time.

I saw her smirk and nodded before we shared another long and sloppy kiss.

My hands moved down on the hem of her shirt and gently lifted it up. We both parted but quickly kissed again after I took off her shirt.

"Fuck, babe." Jennie moaned as I started to fondle her breasts roughly while kissing her neck. Her hands moved up on my head and tugged on my hair.

She always wants this. Rough and hard. Hindi ko alam kung paano kami naging ganto. Kung paano kami napunta sa ganitong sitwasyon. Pero ang alam ko lang, I fucking love this girl.

"Oh, fuck. Ugh! For fuck's sake, Lisa! Finger me now!" I softly chuckled when I felt how frustrated she is. I was just fondling her breasts as I placed my knee between her legs to put pressure on her center. She's so horny right now and that made me even more turned on.

I looked up to her while still placing soft kisses in the valley of her breasts. As my left hand is still on her left breast while the other is placed on her clothed-center. I saw her closed her eyes as she bucked her hips up. Too eager to release her liquid.

"Call me by my name again and I will stop this."

Parang tanga kasi. Ayaw na tawagin ko siya sa pangalan niya tapos ako tatawagin sa pangalan ko?? Hibang ata si gaga.

She opened her eyes and looked at me with her begging yet lustful eyes.

"I'm sorry, babe. Can you just please fuck me now? I badly wanna release my cum." Jennie begged as she caressed my hair. "Sure thing, babe." I replied.

I triumphantly smiled to her and continued to shower soft kisses on her breasts as my hands made their way to remove her shorts and panty. After I removed those, I quickly spread her legs wide open and positioned myself in between.

JENLISA SHORT STORIES ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon