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This story is dedicated to _silentgrayys! Happy birthday sayo! 🎉🥰 naway magustuhan mo 😂

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Zazen Grayye's POV

"Ouch!" I winced when Jennie forcefully put the cotton on my cut lower lip. "Could you please move a little bit smoother? It hurts, Jen." I sarcastically said and rolled my eyes at her.

She hissed a sound and glared at me. "What on earth came into your mind to fight those boys? You're no match to them!" I just clenched my eyes close when Jennie scolded me again for the nth time today.

She was actually cleaning my injured face after putting an ointment on my bruise arm.

I got into a small fight with a three-boy group at school. I wasn't actually going to fight back but when they started to badmouthing Jennie and sexually assault her, I didn't know what comes to me and just attack those boys.

I was already beaten up when my brother, Zach Gregory, saw us with his friends. He helped me fight those boys before they took me into the clinic.

Zach probably called Jennie and told her what happened that's why she's here with me in the clinic, scolding the hell out of me.

"Seriously, Gray. What happened?" Jennie asked, more soothing after she was done cleaning my wounds.

"N-Nothing." I sighed softly.

I lowered my gaze because I don't wanna see that kind of look in Jennie's eyes. It's full of concern and worried. I don't want to assume things because I know she has feelings for my brother.

Well, who wouldn't?

We're twins but we're totally different. By looks and by attitude.

Zach is an ideal guy. He's smart, kind-hearted, tall and handsome. He never got into trouble because he's an angel, like what people say.

While, on the other hand, I was totally not like him. First of all, I'm gay and my parents don't seem to like it. I'm a troublemaker. I'm not smart and not so good looking like him but I still have the looks. I'm a pure evil, like what people say.

And you know what sucks the most?

It's that, the woman I genuinely love the most for a long time now was actually in love with my brother.

Jennie didn't say it out loud but I confirmed it through her body language. She's so nervous and always fidgeting when she's talking to my brother or whenever he's around. It's like, she can't stay in one place. And whenever I'm asking her if she likes my brother, she would instantly denied it.

"Gray!" Jennie suddenly called my name out loud that pulled me out of my reverie.

"Woah, what? You don't need to shout, Kim." I tried to cover up my blush by rolling my eyes on her.

I find it really adorable when Jennie's calling my name.

"Well, you're spacing out. What were you thinking?" She asked again as she put back the medicine kit on the table next to the bed I was sitting.

"Nothing." Is all I can say.

What do you want me to say? That I'm thinking about how breathtakingly beautiful she is wearing that school uniform? That I'm thinking how much I fucking love her so much to the point that I'm willing to risk my feelings for her to be happy? No, not gonna happen.

"It's not—" Jennie was cut off by the person opening the clinic door. Revealing my perfect twin brother.

"Hey." Zach greeted while smiling from ear to ear as his eyes found Jennie's.

JENLISA SHORT STORIES ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon