C H A P T E R 2

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Morro was taken to a place that is accessible through a portal in the Departed Realm, The phasing feels as if it is a completely another realm, or as if the realm is so huge that all this could fit and be out of plain sight form the highest point of how different it is. Where he spawned, was some sort of Green forest, giving the vibes of a foggy swamp, but the place he was now in was Golden and celestial, as if that was a real heaven. However, the place will be nothing like heaven for Morro, nor anybody who has done unspeakable things. in fact on another hand, the place wherelooked like painful holy cleansing would happen, and he was probably correct, except it wouldn't be holy.

Morro and the two Sentinels have stepped on a platform that was like an elevator, taking them to a a big levitating building high in the...sky(?). On top there were many Sentinels, many looking like lower and higher tier ones. When they walked off the platform the second Sentinel told Morro "Bow down on your knees and put your hands on your legs.", but Morro didn't listen, he wasn't kneeling down for anybody, or he was, as the same Sentinel pushed him down on the floor so he ended up in the same pose as when he fell down when he spawned. The Sentinel wouldn't have corrected him to sit down on his knees and rest his hands on the legs, but in this pose he couldn't look at them in the eyes really so he corrected him "Now sit down as I told you." , but Morro hesitated till he shouted "SIT DOWN." and made a movement as if he was gonna hurt him, so Morro flinched and fell on his left side bracing for impact , their eyes meeting once again,then he said fearfully "O-All-right...!-" and when the Sentinel stepped back Morro sat as instructed, looking at the his body and floor.

Then one Sentinel who looked more important than the two that brought Morro there closed in and said "Look at me.". Morro didn't look, he kept staring down, then the strict Sentinel shouted "LOOK AT HIM." and Morro flinched and after a few seconds slowly looked at the Sentinel who then said "Explain yourself and everything you've done." to which Morro hesitantly replied "...I don't know. ..." and looked away. Sentinel wasn't happy with the answer so he said "You don't know? What do you not know?" "Look at me!" and Morro once again replied with "I don't know." but he didn't look at him. He wanted to cry and scream and kill them all, there was too much pressure going on. Just as the Sentinel was about to say something, another Sentinel appeared on the platform and said "Hey, She's here,but-" and Morro turned around  just like others and the Sentinel that was questioning Morro asked "But...?" and Morro wasn't sure who, but he was afraid they meant the Preeminent, and somebody asked quietly "Wait, who's here?" and another replied "The Preeminent I believe." and the Sentinel who arrived heard them and replied "Yes, The Preeminent, but she's... Just come and see, Let's hurry.!" and then that Sentinel, the Questioning Sentinel and few others left down and advised The First two sentinel to keep Morro there and get some answers out of him.




The Second Sentinel  came in front of Morro and said "Well, it seems like you are in my hands once again." which annoyed Morro, and amused the Sentinel.  Morro's eyes were locked on the sentinel who was walking left and right asking questions.

Sentinel: "Who are you?"

Morro: "...I don't.....uh what do you mean?"

Sentinel: "Who are you, your name, your role in all of this, all I know is that you are an arrogant ghost that is responsible for causing two great imbalances in the whole universe."

Morro was a bit confused, so he asked "What..imbalances?"

Sentinel: "What? Wasn't this your plan..." but Morro had a confused face, so he added "The first imbalance is that People who deserve to rest, and people like you, are no longer divided. However we can deal with that, though it isn't easy. However it is nothing compared to the second imbalance which is destruction of all the realms that are parallel with The Cursed realm. At the moment, the Realm of Djinjago has started to collapse, and the more realms collapse, the faster the destruction of each parallel realm will happen and we aren't sure how to stop it."

Morro didn't know that was a thing so he replied: "I..didn't know that would happen, I mean our plan wasn't to destroy any realm, but to...conquer it..?" he questioned his words...what did he really want, why did all of this happen? Did he go too far? He was shaken from his thoughts when the Sentinel shouted "Ohh I see, as if that is any better... also The Cursed realm is the most complex one and even the destiny writers aren't sure of how exactly it is what it is, or well, what it used to be. The point it, You cannot have a realm within a realm without causing imbalance, even if nothing was conquered."

Morro then asked: "Isn't The Preeminent only a body inside of the Cursed realm, serving as the main place we spawned in and were living in? If She is the realm, how could I open the portal to the cursed realm and have The Preeminent come out of that place... what was that place she came out of?"

Sentinel: "It's complicated, I just told you that even the destiny writers aren't sure. There are many theories, but the point is that you have 'caused an imbalance one way or the other. Also You hadn't answered my question; Who are you?", he then turned around to Morro and looked at him in the eyes and repeated " Who are you? "




The Sentinels who went off the platform got down and started following one Sentinel to the place The Preeminent spawned, with him being unable to put to words what happened.

As they closed in they could see the Sentinels have their weapons targeted at the somebody....

The VIP Sentinel looked at The Preeminent and asked "What the...."

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