C H A P T E R 5

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Kamiell and Deviell were leading Morro to another place.
Morro had urges to turn around and glance at the former beast, and Kamiell and Deviell noticed that, they've seen he was distressed about her.

Finally, they reached a less formal place, that had benches to sit on, surrounded by weird Green vegetation. Kamiell sat on one bench and to break the silence said " Sooooooooo- Now what? ", but he was quickly cut off by Deviell, who smirked and said " Now, we get to the best part of redeeming onself - ". The tone he spoke in, made Morro a bit scared, it sounded, taunting. Morro looked at him, waiting for Deviell to continue, and Deviell just tilted his head and raised one eyebrow, hinting Morro to take a guess, which Morro did by weirdly saying "... Ttttt....Tortureeee- . .. ?  . . . ! ? ". Deviell then said " Yep " and after kamiell realized Deviell wasn't just joking. he confusedly said " WHAT?! We aren't torturing anybody --- ! ", to which Deviell responded " Well... You don't have to, but I. Will.". Morro wasn't surprised.
Kamiell just looked at him in disbelief, and then Deviell continued "What. . ? I am not going to just let go of the fact that he literally committed so many serious sins, all because he wasn't destined to be a saviour of the Realm of Ninjago? You heard him yourself, he wasn't trying to create imbalance in the world because that was his goal, Noooooo, his goal was to prove a point to his Sensei,. . . And what was the point? Oh, yes, exactly, attacking innocent people of the Realm he was so eager to protect all these years while he was in the cursed realm."
Deviell then looked at Morro saying "You know, I've heard of the things people of NInjago had to go through, what people that you were desperate to be part of, the Ninja, have been through. Finally, some time for them to be at peace, before some ancient Evil comes at them again, . . . And then what do you do?. . . Create a mess , a mess bigger than majority of the things that have happened to Ninjago, to the Existence itself." , Morro just looked away in shame, Deviell was right, and then he continued "Like, what was your goal? Make a mess, and then suddenly go from the creator of the mess, to the defeater of the mess that you created and then pretend like you're some sort of saviour?". Deviell then started mocking Morro's possible plan by saying things like " Oooooh, SenSEi Wu- ARE YoU PrOud oF mE? LooK AT Me- I'm A BiG BOy I cAn UnDO My MIstAKeS! -- - -- -  I'M SucH A hERo, SoRrY , NoT SoRRy ,FoR EveRYthiNG- I KePt YoU AnD YouR FaMiLY ImRpISoEnD, I ToRtuREd InnOCeNt PEoPle-- AlL ThaT To BEcoMe The GrEEn NiNja HAHAHAHA HA Ha ha." He finished mocking, and kamiell grinned a bit, but it quickly faded, because Deviell went back to the serious mode and got into Morro's face "Did I get it right?", Morro just stared in silence, but then he was starteled as Deviell grabben him by his chin and shouted madly  " DID I ?!" and after a few moments he harshly let go of Morro and stepped away.

Deviell groaned and looked at Kamiell and then sat besides him and spread his legs and rested his hands on them. He just wasn't up for this,but he didn't want to admit it. It's been a while since the Sentinels had a real job and he was excited to finally have somebody to cleanse, but it was a kid, so he was conflicted about the job.
Meanwhile, Morro just stood in front of them in silence wishing for this shaming to be over, though he had a bad, but justified feeling, that this was nothing compared to the punishment he was going to endure for his crimes.

Some time passed in awkward silence, and then finally, Deviell got an idea that would sort out his conflicted mind. He got up and said " ...Hey Kamiell, come with me for a moment. You Morro, wait here. " . The Two Sentinels went quite far so that Morro couldn't hear them, but not so far that they couldn't see each other.

Despite that, Deviell started whispering "I don't know what to do"

Kamiell cut him off " Yee I can see that "

Deviell got a bit annoyed, but continued " -But , I actually do know what to do. it's the only way for now. "

Kamiell was all ears "And ... that is?"

Deviell continued, " So, I don't want him to see me being merciful, this is already embarassing enough, so, in order to play this out, I will pretend as if I have something else to do, perhaps , prepare a torture chamber for him, while you would continue asking him very important questions, such as his distress about the Preeminent. I'm really curious to see what he has to say and that will give us a clearer picture of what we're dealing with. . . That way, I'll be far away from him , so I cannot actually inflict damage on him, and that way you're satisfied, but at the same time, he'll be thinking I will torture him later, so he'll still think I am  a bit merciless. . ."

Kamiell listened carefully and when Deviell was done talking he said " Hmm... Alright. Though , why do I have a feeling that you aren't just joking about that torture chamber ? "

Deviell answered " Perhaps I am not, but it's on you to stop me if I try to do something. "

Kamiell replied " What ? ! How's that fact making this any better? Afterall, what should I tell the others if they ask me where you've gone?"

Deviell then though about it, and just said " Well just tell them what Morro will be thinking, that is, that I am setting up a torture chamber, or if you think that doesn't sound right, make it sound more like a, Cleansing Chamber, Interrogation area, I don't know, make something up, but don't let Morro think that I'm going easy on him "

Kamiell smiled at the end, " You know, you are going easy on him , considering you're doing all this for his wellbeing, rather than yours. What are you going to be doing really?"

Deviell brushed it off" Shut up. Now let's tell him the ... news "

The Two sentinels returned to where Morro is and explained that in order to not waste any time, Deviell will go ahead and set up an interrogation place, cleansing place, redemption place, and torture place, all in one place ! ! ! Whiiiiile Kamiell will stay here and find out more about him.
Morro bought it, he really though that he was gonna get tortured after this, another, interrogation.

Deviell then left, leaving Morro and Kamiell alone.

[ On the left side of the picture is Kamiell, He's got yellowish golden hair and he is the more calm one. On the right side of the picture is Deviell, He's got Dark desaturaed brown hair and he is the hothead. They are both trusted righteous hands of the Divine, and if they continue their path as now, they will one day be promoted to VIP Sentinels. ]


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23 ⏰

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