Helloooo 12!

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I took two steps off the train when I saw Katniss speed walking towards me. 

"Cedric!" Katniss said as she threw her arms around my body and hugged me tightly. I will never not be surprised at someone hugging me. 

I awkwardly pat her back as she pulls away. "Hey Kat" I say. "What's up?" 

She exhales and says "Nothing much, you?" 

"Just running a district." I reply before turning to Peeta to give him the boy hand shake hug thing. All the boys in my District did it and I just assume boys do it here too. 

"Hey Cedric" Peeta says. 

I nod at him "So, how faking love?" 

He and Kat swap uncomfortable glances before looking away. "Is it just me or did it suddenly get real cold?" I mutter.

"Nope, it's like the north pole standing next to those two." A blonde hair man with the smell of whisky says.

I met him once but can't seem to remember his name. He was the mentor of Katniss and Peeta I think. 

"Derek, right?" The man asks. 

I shake my head "No but I don't know your name either so we're square." 

He nods "Ah, that makes me feel better. I'm Haymitch." 

I nod at him "I'm Cedric" 

He nods then his eyes travel past me to Axir. "Ah, Axir, nice to see you again." 

"Haymitch" Axir greets as he and Haymitch start to talk. 

Darla starts talking to Effie, the very extravagantly dressed woman. I met her once before I left and she gave me a very heavy kiss on the cheek that left a heavy lipstick mark. They compliment each others style while Quell and another fashion looking guy start to talk about outfits and congratulate each other on good outfit choices.

We all start to walk away and Kat takes my arm and starts to lead me. "Let's get away from this" She says quickly as the crowd of District 12 members start to stare.

We walk through the town quickly and I see that everyone gets their own homes.

"You're kidding right?" I ask. Kat looks at me in confusion. I gesture to the houses "You're telling me that your district is allowed to have separate houses? In 14 all the boys sleep in warehouses together."

She shrugs "Well, it's not much better."

I scoff "Yeah, that's what privileged people would say."

When I notice Peeta isn't next to us I look around.

I look back and see Peeta who is following us but with his head down and a while back.

They've been acting weird all day and it's annoying me the heck off! I get the feeling it's Katniss's fault.

 I scowl then stop Kat and pull her into an alley looking street. 

"What did you do?" I ask. 

Kat looks at me in surprise "What do you mean? I haven't done anything!" 

I scoff "Don't play dumb Katniss! Why aren't you and whipped dog over there not talking?" 

She stares at me then looks away "We're just nervous" She mutters. 

"Don't give me that crap!" I snarl "Give me an answer!" 

She sighs then says "Well, he found out that I liked another guy."

"Okay and?" I ask, not understanding what she's trying to say. "Your love is only for the cameras anyway"

She nods "Yes, but we don't talk anymore now."

I blink at her then lean back "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!" I exclaim. Her eyes widen as she looks back at me. "Katniss, you have to fool an entire country! But you can't even talk like normal to each other? That's so dumb!"

She stares at me and we're quiet when Peeta walks up. "What are you talking about?"

I stare at Kat intensely before walking "Just your hopeless cringy love story."

I walk to her house and push open the door to see Prim.

"Hey Prim" I say as I walk in. "What's up with your sis? She's acting all weird."

Prim and Katniss's mom walk over but their faces show me that somethings off.

I frown at them and Prim opens her mouth but I walk past her and down a hall to the door that leads to an office. I push the door open and see President Snow sitting at a desk.

"Ah, Cedric" Snow says as he stops the Newten's cradle. "How are you?"

I keep my eyes on him. "Snow" I say with narrowed eyes. "What are you doing here?"

He stands "I had something to tell Mrs Everdeen."

"Had? You mean you've already told her?" I ask. He nods and I step to the side of the door, holding it wide open for him. "Then in that case, the door is down the hall and to the left."

He sighs and gets up then walks out. I follow him as he walks.

"You can't act so cold to me forever." He says.

"Try me." I say. "I seem to have more time to live than you do grandpa."

He frowns at me. "Are you still sour about dating Celestia?"

We stop at the front door and cross my arms, cocking my head to the side.

"I couldn't care less about who I'm forced to date." I say. "But if you think about suddenly dropping by at MY district to threaten me with some sort of deal than you should feel confident that 14's boys are a lot less merciful than me and you wouldn't make it through the doors."

"You think you can threaten me?" He laughs.

I smirk at him "Have you ever wondered what the inside of your throat looks like Mr Snow? Because I'd be more than happy to show you." 

"You are threatening me." He says quietly.

"No sir" I say as I lean in and smirk "That's not a threat that's a promise."

He stares into my threatening eyes than swallows hard.

"No, that's alright, I'd rather keep my throat where it is." He says as he looks away "I'll see you at the Capitol."

"Hmm" He walks out of the door and I throw it closed. I turn and see Prim walking into the room. "Don't worry, I got rid of the bug." I say as I walk past her and into the kitchen.

She smiles then follows me.

Only One Boy (Hunger Games Male OC Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now