You Gotta Have Brains In this Game

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Patrick was hard to find which was good. I'm assuming he ran deep into the woods like I had instructed.

I stop running and slow to a walk. I had a backpack on my bag and the other was in my hand.
I reach a stream and step up to it to get a drink. That's when I saw the reflection of Patrick in a tree, aiming a bow and arrow at my back.

I spin around and he releases the arrow before he realizes it was me.

I avoid the arrow and it stabs into the ground.

"That could have killed me." I say impressed.

"I'm sorry sir!" Patrick said as he scrambled down the tree and dropped. "I thought you were someone else."

"This is the games" I say as I pick up the arrow and hand it to him. "Don't apologize for being prepared."

He took the knife from me than, sensing my question, said "Someone shot at me while I was swimming." 

"Did they hit you?" I ask. 

Patrick shook his head and smiled "They were a bad shot and slipped. I thought it was better to have a weapon rather than nothing so I took it from them. They couldn't swim so it was pretty easy" He raised an eyebrow "Can I know what the plan is?" 

I shrug as we start moving. "Sure, its called game domination. We are going to dominate the playing field and set up traps that either kill, or badly wound." I explain. 

Patrick didn't seem phased by thus and nodded "Just like how we would catch animals in my district." 

I raise an eyebrow. "You know how to set up traps?" 

He nodded eagerly. "Yes sir! That's what we did whenever our sheep or pigs got out. The other boys would go out and set traps and by morning they were all captured!" 

I nod at him. "Alright, sounds like we have a plan than." 

We started where we were and set up a trap that would catch the ankle and string them upside down. 

For a few hours we did that without encountering anyone. We worked in silence before it got too quiet.

I look up and listen.

Patrick sees my sudden stillness and goes still himself, listening.

He would try at least but he couldn't hear like I do. My ear twitched as in the distance there was a sound of wind but the air was still. It was heading towards us and I hear a distant scream.

I turn to Patrick quickly and run past him, grabbing his arm.

"Run." I command before sprinting forward.

Patrick was fast and swift. He didn't ask questions but ran ahead of me which I was slightly surprised about.

Suddenly out of nowhere someone tackled me. It was a man and he was heavy, very heavy.

With my running momentum we crash to the ground with a series of painful rolls over logs and rocks.

The man plunge a knife down at me and I catch his arm. The man was twice my size and heavy as heck!

He didn't say anything but spittle and sweat was running down his face as he used his whole body weight on the knife handle.

I pushed the knife back but it was four inches away from my face.

I knew Patrick had stopped but he needs to run, he can't wait for whatever was coming towards us.

"Go!" I yell at Patrick who looked hesitant but turned and bolted out of sight.

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