Another Brick In The Wall

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▪Blake's POV

"Thank you once again for the ride!" Aisling said to Sam before hugging him and getting out. He looked stunned at the affection, but just shook his head and drove off. Aisling waved at him as he left the parking lot.

She walked over to the entrance of the school and waited. We did this every morning, no matter who was in control. There was one person here who we could really call a friend.

"Hey Erin! Why do you keep dyeing your hair?" Elise asked as she approached us. We shrugged, and walk to our lockers with Elise.

"So, where have you been? I heard that you had some trouble with the feds." She said as we grabbed the books we would need for the day.

"Just some old friends messing around. Anything good happen last week?" We asked. We had missed an entire week of school proving to the guys that they could trust us.

"Just some idiots broke the window at the office. We think some people were fighting because there was blood on the ground. Quite a lot of it, too!" She said as she shoved all her books in her bag.


"Who was that cutie that dropped you off? I saw you hug him!" She said as she closed her locker and waited for us.

Aisling couldn't help it; she began to blush like crazy. That made Elise squeal. We put our hand over her mouth to shut her up, but it didn't work. She just licked our hand until we let go.

"I'm taken, remember?"

"Whatever. Well, I got to go to class. See you at lunch!" Elise shouted as the warning bell rang. We said goodbye and headed to our own class.

Elise was a year younger than us. She had dark red hair that she liked to keep short. Currently, she was rocking a down hawk. She was the only girl I knew who could pull that off.

We had English first period. Aisling loved to learn, so she sat through it. If Emberlynn or Devon were in control, they would have skipped ahead in time to some other class. But because Aisling loved school, we had to sit through the boring lecture.

Then we had Algebra. I actually didn't mind it. It was fairly simple to me. However, Aisling is horrible at math.

Aisling: what is π again?
Emberlynn: 3.14
Aisling: so that makes the area...47?
Cameilla: we are looking for circumference, and it is 63.

It went on like this for the whole class period. When we left, I think she was more confused than when we got in.

We had a few other classes until we left for lunch. Like always, Elise was sitting at our normal table. We got our food and went to sit down. Since Aisling doesn't like junk food, she got a salad and some fruit.

"You on a diet or something, Erin?" Elise asked us as she cut up her hamburger. We shook our head and began to eat.

We never talk much while we ate. We never really had time to. Lunch was only fifteen minutes long. Elise had put salt on her fries and was setting the salt shaker down when she spilt it. There wasn't much salt left in it, but it poured out in front of us.

Emberlynn: oh no. Don't do it Aisling!

Aisling tried, but she couldn't resist it. She was a fairy, and fairies do this. She moved her food aside and began counting each and everyone of the grains of salt.

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