Ch 5. Exam Results And Erasing Quirks

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Yoichi was panicking, his friend Toshinori hadn't spoken to him for two weeks. He knew the Hero was up to something, it was the only thing that made sense. Then again, it was completely possible that he just misplaced his phone. Toshinori might have been the Number One Hero, but he was still a dork.

He had complained about it to Katsumi so much that the Second user had practically banned him from the void until he got into contact with Toshinori, which was why he was currently sulking in a corner of his room.

'Can I please come back?' Yoichi begged his lover, but Katsumi wouldn't budge. The Second user sending irritated emotions through One For All.

'No, you know the deal.' Katsumi growled out and Yoichi could just imagine him pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.' Not until Toshinori contacts you again, your insufferable when you complain. I mean I love you from the bottom of my heart Yoichi, but I am this close to strangling you.'

Yoichi gave a nervous chuckle, he was so in the dog house later. He hoped he could make it up to Katsumi, but it was unlikely. He knew his lovers moods, Katsumi was definitely in a sour one right now.

"Izuku honey, your UA results has arrived!" Inko called from outside his room, Yoichi leaped up and ran over to the door ripping it open and grabbing the letter.

"Thanks In-Mom!" Yoichi exclaimed almost forgetting to actually call her mom, it was weird having a mom again after so long. He then closed the door slowly, before walking over to his bed and pulling the results out of the paper.

With a deep breath Yoichi turned the projector on, watching as Toshinori appeared in his All Might form. What was Toshinori doing answering UA examines?

"Hello, Young Midoriya!" Toshinori exclaimed with a wide smile." As you can probably tell I have applied for a teaching position at UA, I am also very sorry for not keeping in contact. It has been pretty busy getting the paper work sorted out before UA classes begin."

Yoichi smiled at his friends words, ignoring the internal sigh of relief coming from Katsumi as well as the chuckles from Daigorou and Nana.

"Now for your results, you have passed with flying colors!" Toshinori stated looking smug." Your results are 57 Villain points and 45 Rescue points, the rescue points were kept secret in order to get genuine reactions from the test takers. This brings your total up to 101 points, meaning your are first place."

The mental cheers from the One For All users made Yoichi blush slightly, it was certainly nice that his successors were that supportive of him. Even if he got them all killed, the depressing thought wedging itself in despite attempts to shake it.

'Hey none of that, First.' Hikage said with a soft tone.' I know insecurities, we promise none of us hold what happened against you or any of our predecessors.'

'Thank you for that, my friend.' Yoichi replied with a sad smile, before looking down the score board hopefully. There sitting in 11th place was Shinsou, the lavender haired teen having passed the Hero exam.

Yoichi let out a breath of relief, happy he managed to help someone follow their dreams. It was lucky Tsukauchi had been able to come in before the points were finalized, it would have been sad if he had been to late. Nevertheless he had kept his promise to Shinsou, which the lavender haired teen had been horrifyingly shocked about.

The reminder of the blatant Quirkism the teen had to suffer made Yoichi's blood boil, no one deserved that kind of discrimination.

'You shouldn't say that when you yourself won't admit anyone having done wrong by you, even if your memories were not there when they had done it.' Sokka stated, sounding exasperated at Yoichi

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