Ch 7. Battle Training

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Yoichi was excited for his first class with Toshinori, he wondered what his friend had planned for his class.

"You ready Yoichi-kun?" Ochaco asked turning to him, a smile on her face. Yoichi nodded to his friend, his constant shifting causing Kacchan to give him a mild glare.

"Yeah, though I am nervous and excited." Yoichi admitted with a sigh." I hope All Might won't go too hard on us, but I know he gets a little...intense when he is training."

This earned a confused look from a majority of the class, though Todoroki was giving him a thoughtful and intense stare. Yoichi was unsure of why the duel haired teen was so interested in him, but he knew that whatever the interest wasn't very healthy.

Suddenly the door swung open and Toshinori rushed in, self made wind battering the cape he wore. A wide grin that was typical of All Might was plastered on his face.

"I am coming through the door, like a normal person!" Toshinori declared and Yoichi couldn't help but snort in amusement, that was anything but normal. He didn't comment though, it was clear the number one Hero was having fun.

When the class calmed down, Toshinori explained what they were going to do. Battle scenario simulation, or for lack of a better explanation two versus two fights.

They followed Toshinori to the same arena that the entrance exam had been held in, but this time they were going into a building. This building had computers set up inside, with a view of the interior of another building on the screens.

Once they all arrived and calmed down, Toshinori explained the exorcise. They were going to be split into Hero and Villain teams, the Villains would defend a fake bomb inside the building. The Heroes would infiltrate the building and fight the Villains, attempting to touch the bomb to defuse it.

Once basic explanations were over, Yoichi and the rest of the class drew letters from a small bucket. There were two of each letter, so anyone sharing a letter were on the same team.

Yoichi stuck his hand into the bucket, before pulling out the letter A. He looked around at the others who had already pulled their letter, only to get waved over by Ochaco. He walked over and compared the letter, it was the same one.

"Cool!" Ochaco said excitedly." Looks like we are on the same team, Yoichi-kun!"

"Looks like it, Uraraka-chan." Yoichi confirmed with a small smile." Wonder who we'll be fighting, hope it's not Kacchan. As much as I love my friend, he's a bit...intense in competition type scenarios."

Ochaco nodded in agreement, while she liked Kacchan, Yoichi also knew that the girl found him a little intense sometimes. The teams were put through a program and displayed on a screen, being randomized.

Team A were to fight Team D, Kacchan's team. Talk about fate, Yoichi winced knowing he would be getting burns from this training exorcise. Though not nearly as bad or much as he would have if he was still on bad terms with his explosive friend.

Kacchan's team entered the other building to set up and plan, while Ochaco and Yoichi did their own planning.

"I will focus on fighting Kacchan." Yoichi said looking at Ochaco." Why we stick together until Kacchan finds us, then you split off and find the bomb. You are a good match against Iida, since you can fly over him and he is stuck on the ground."

"Good point, alright sounds like a plan!" Ochaco said with a determined look in her brown eyes." Are we ready then?"

Yoichi nodded and waited for the time limit for the Villains planning to end, this would certainly be an interesting fight.

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