Ch 16. Transferring Ownership

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything (Picture, Video, or Show/Anime)


"What did they do now?" Yoichi questioned the Pro Hero in front of him and Hawks just winced visibly, clearly remembering when Yoichi got blacklisted from the license exam.

"Well, good news and bad news....which do you want to hear first?" Hawks asked warily, making him stare at the bird man." O-Ok then...I'll just go with good news first then, your not blacklisted anymore!"

Yoichi blinked, surprised by the news as well as being completely suspicious about said news. He knew better then to believe this was for his benefit, the Commission either figured that he wasn't worth the trouble anymore...or something else happened that made them more scared then the idea of not having him in their control.

"Why am I not blacklisted anymore?" Yoichi asked slowly, his green eyes narrowing as if daring Hawks to lie or avoid the question.

"Well that's the bad news, depending on how you look at it." Hawks confessed with a sigh, looking serious for once." Your not blacklisted because in order to defeat All For One, the Commission is giving you a license...bypassing the entire license exam in the process."

Ok, he wasn't going to murder Hawks, they were just the messenger. The Commission on the other hand better watch out, giving what they believed was a child a license so they could use him to defeat a two century old Super Villain was much worse then blacklisting them. If he was angry before, then he was furious now.

He took a deep breath, before letting it out slowly.

"Right, so the Commission as gotten stupider since I've gotten my last news from you." Yoichi stated, before frowning." Are you safe with those bastards?"

Hawks blinked, looking completely taken aback by the question and they just gave him an plastic smile. It was one he knew well, considering he used to do it before he found out just how bad his brother truly was.

"Of course, why would ever think otherwise?" Hawks responded, almost robotically as if it was a practised response that had been drilled into him.

"Ok, your considered property...aren't you." Yoichi stated, a resigned expression on his face as he thought his options over carefully and realizing there was one option that could get Hawks out of Commission hands." How much?"

"I...what?" Hawks choked, staring wide eyed at him.

"How much money would I need to buy you from the Commission?" Yoichi asked, practically spitting the word buy out like it was poison.

As if noting where his thought process was heading, Hawks quickly took their phone out and raised their finger to tell him to wait a moment. They headed just out of hearing range, talking to someone on the other end of the phone. He suspected that the person was their handler, if one could call them that.

Ten minutes later, Hawks made their way back over to Yoichi warily.

Yoichi raised an eyebrow questioningly, still waiting for his answer to the questioned he'd asked them. Hawks seemed to take a deep breath, before handing him a slip of paper and he looked down at the contents.

Twenty-five billion....that was a lot, he'd have to ask Katsumi and the others how much money was stored in the One For All account. He knew that Toshinori didn't use the account, but the others always placed money in it over the course of two hundred years. Hikage having the least amount of money placed in the account due to hiding away and strengthening One For All.

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