Chapter 13

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I call Liv and Josh, telling them I should be over within a half hour or so, apologizing for my late arrival. When I hang up the phone, I remake my bed and throw my pillowcase in the wash, to take away the sweat. I've never really had dreams like I did today, not being able to talk or on the edge of dying. What is he doing to me? I grab my makeup case and sit in front of my mirror. First, I apply my mascara. I slightly stick out my tongue and look up, pushing the brush against my eyelashes to make them look darker. I keep my makeup simple, I've never really been that big with it. The most I put is mascara, eyeshadow and sometimes a little highlight. I stay in the clothes that I'm in and ask my mother if she can bring me over soon.

"Ya, I'll be ready soon." She tells me.

I grab my phone, along with a few extra dollars to stick in my pocket.


"Hey Jess!!" Liv shouts, opening the front door.

"Hey!" I say, I'm happy to see her. She is too, I could tell. We haven't spoken in a while.

"Oh my god, I have SO much to tell you!" She shrieks.

I laugh at how excited she is and walk into her house, taking off my shoes.

"Hello Mrs. Robin." I say to her mother.

"Hi darling, how have you been?" She asks.

"I've been good, you?"

"Great! What about your mother? I heard your father should be coming home in a few days."

"Ya, mom is doing fine. Dad should be home by Wednesday night."

"I'm happy to hear that." She says. My father isn't home much, he's often gone on business trips for a few weeks at a time. He's been gone just a little over 5 weeks and should stay over for a few days.

"Jess, are you coming?" Liv asks me.

I follow her to her basement and put my bag in the corner of the room.

"Hey Jess." Josh says, walking up to me.

"Hey, I miss you." We both grab each other and hug tight.

"How about we go buy some ice cream later?" Liv asks and we both agree, letting go of each other.

"So, what's new with you?" Josh asks me. We all sit down on her couches, facing each other.

"Oh my! So much." I say, burying my face in my hands.

"Spill." Josh says, eyeing me. I don't exactly know how to tell them. We always tell each other everything but this time it was different, harder. I know they're going to think I'm crazy for what happened and what I did.

"Well, I went to a party Friday night."

"Ohh who's?" Josh asks me, his eyebrows are lifted, his full attention is on me and trust me, getting Josh to listen to you isn't always easy.

"Jimmy's" I say.

"Umm, like were talking Jimmy as in Jimmy Griff?!" Josh's mouth drops open.

"Who invited you there?" Liv asks, shocked since we're the last ones to be invited to a party.

"Harry..." I say.

"Hold up girl! So, Harry Styles asked you, Jessy Lam, to go to Jimmy Griff's party with him?!" Josh screeches.

"Ya, he did." I laugh. They're both shocked. Josh and Liv both laughing.

"Your kidding!" Liv says.

"Just please be careful, you know how he is" Josh warns me.

"I know but he's not like that. I thought I knew him too but he's kind and funny "

Well, you go gurl!" Josh shouts, clapping his hands.

"I'm proud of you!!" She shrieks.

"Ya, me too. I wish he would've asked me." Josh jokes looking down at the floor. I turn my face to look at him and I see Liv looking down at the floor too, with a smile growing on her face.

"Ya, you missed some stuff too." Liv says giggling.

"Josh?" I stand up looking at him straight in the eyes. I could tell, he wasn't kidding. I cover my mouth with my hands.

"You're not serious!" I say and look back at Liv.

"I'm gay!" Josh shouts. Opening his arms, throwing them in the air.

"Liv tells me that apparently its obvious and you both already knew which to be honest I don't think its obvious at all, but this is me officially coming out!" Josh says laughing.

"No offence but you wear scarves, leather pants, shop brand names and actually have a sense of fashion. Its about time you tell us!" We all laugh and I I give him a big hug. I'm so proud of him.

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