Chapter 10

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By the end of the night I could tell that she was getting tired and that I should get her home soon. She's had a lot to drink and I've had enough. 

I look around to try and find her but she's nowhere to be found. I ask a few people if they had seen her, but nobody really knew who I was talking about. I go upstairs hoping that she will be nearby and open a few bedroom doors. I turn the bathroom doorknob, but its locked.

"Jessy...?" I call her name. Is she in there? Is she ok? She manages to open the door from inside but she's sitting on the floor. I turn the tap water on, get a facecloth and apply it to her face. I shouldn't have brought her here. I did this to her. This wouldn't have happened if I didn't invite her.

"Hey, its ok I'm going to get you home." I reassure her.

"No, I can't go home." She tells me. I knew she wouldn't want her mom to see her like this... I place my hand just behind her neck and my other under her legs. I lift her up and hold her in my arms closely. Jess rests her head and one of her hands on my chest to support herself. I open the bathroom door and as quickly as possible try to make my way down the stairs, trying not to make much of a scene. I catch some people looking our way but I continue towards the front door. Someone kind enough opens it, letting us out into the streets. 

Struggling to find my keys, I finally manage to unlock my car doors. I slowly drop her into the backseat, allowing her to have more space. I get inside, start the car and begin driving back home. 

Looking up in my mirror, I find her asleep, she has a small smile filling her face and that makes me smile for some reason. I wonder what she's thinking of.

We finaly make it back to my house and I carry her from the car to my bedroom, placing her onto my bed. I could tell shes worn out, tired. I think she enjoyed herself tonight, despite her state now. I get out of my room and make my way to the kitchen to get Jessy a glass of water to drink with two Tylenols.

"Here take this." I wake her up, handing her the glass. She tries to reject it by pushing it away with the little force that she has left and turns her face to look.

"Come." I tell her, giving my hand out for her to take it, helping her sit up on the bed. She grasps the glass into her hand and puts the pills in her mouth. Pressing it against her lips, she lets the water get into her mouth, drinking about half the glass.

"Here's a shirt, you'll be comfier. Ill turn around" I hand her one of my white shirts.

"Help me" She mumbles. Why is she doing this to me. I want her. I need her. I've never seen this much skin on her. I look away, trying to take away the urge. I hold her body in my hands to support her balance as she unclamps her bra. I look away as I help pull my shirt over her head, covering her naked body. She quickly lays down to sleep again and within a few minutes, she's passed out. I lift the sheets over her body as she lets out a small moan. I take a pillow from my bed and put it on the floor. I shouldn't sleep next to her, she's drunk and will wake up confused, especially if I am next to her. So, I sleep on the carpet in my room.

A long night goes by and I wake up only to see her fiddling through my stuff. Is she trying to find something? My shirt on her body, clinging against her skin as she moved. I like watching her and how she acted without her knowing I'm here. She's curious. I want to get to know her better, her and her life. I want to know the things she likes, her favourite television show, what she likes doing on her spare time... She didn't know much about me, only the stuff people told her but what was true? I want her to have trust in me, for her to feel safe and comfortable.

"Good morning" I hear her say as we make eye contact.

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