Chapter 44

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Just listen to these babes füćk!!$:&


"Hey" I hear a familiar voice from behind. I turn around and see Chelsea

"Oh hey!"

I haven't talked to her in weeks.

"So how've you been Harry? Haven't talked to you in a while!"

"Ive been pretty good actually what about you?"

"Meh, I've been alright." She states.

"Well I gotta run but see you soon!"

"Tonight?" She asks

"Tonight" I wink.

I switch aisle in the grocery store to try and avoid her and grab a few cereal boxes for home.

•Like 5hours later•


It's two in the afternoon my moms working today so I basically have nothing to do. I lay on my bed and unpack my leftover things from Harry. I am honestly so in love with the gift he gave me... I
Open up to a random page and begin reading.

September 15,
So I caught you looking at me in math class today. Sometimes I wish you could sit in front of me so that I can stare at you and your beautiful long wavy hair. Chelsea knows that In interested in you. Shes always annoyed by me and honestly I'm annoyed by her too. "Can you come over tonight?" Thats what chelsea asked me and I know you heard. She does it on purpose you know and I cant help it. She knows that you don't like hearing it.


September 25,
This morning I got really high with Jimmy and I could remember myself just not being able to stop thinking about you. I asked jimmy "yo, would you fuck that girl Jessy?" And he answered, "Who? The hot quiet one?" I know ill get that chance one day. Its not a competition for me. I got to school and for some reason you looked different. You looked amazing. Maybe being high didn't help either. You had a long braid hanging off your shoulder and you wore a little black dress. It was hot. You'd think since I talk to so many girls I wouldn't hesitate talking to you. For some odd reason you're different than all of them and I feel like your so fragile. You seem so comfortable and yet I feel like I could break you so easily. But I don't want to be the one to break you cause that would only break me. A few days ago you were talking to your two friends Josh and Liv and I saw these tears stream down your face. It broke me. All I wanted to do was hug you, tight. I needed to comfort you. Im not quit sure of the reason why you were crying but I overheard something about your father. Im sorry. I know its late but I am. Whatever it is that happened. Sometimes I wonder why I write this. I kinda wish there was something to look forward to when writing this. I dont know if you'll ever read this. I hope you do. Know that I love you and Ive waited so long to talk to you.

I am cut off when the doorbell rings. I get up slowly from my bed and make my way down what feels like 40 stairs.

"Hello?" I say opening the door but nobody's there. Oops. Guess I took to long. I yawn as I close the door but I spot a cardboard box sitting on my gallery. It has a nice light pink ribbon holding it closed. Aww thats cute. I pick it up and look around outside to see if anyones there.


I bring it in and set it on the table, tugging at the ribbon. I open up the box and theres a paper laying over some type of black material.

'You have a diner reservation with me at 6:00 be ready and wear this. You're beautiful babyy'

I honestly have the best boyfriend.

So I have a solid 2 hours to get ready which seems to be enough time. I run up my 40 stairs and plug in my hair straightener right away. Pulling the silky dress out of the box and hold it in my fingertips looking at all the detail. Its beautiful and short and has lace ad just wow. I get so excited over him.

I start off my straightening my hair strand by strand and once I finish, I get into the dress. I unzip the zipper in the back and fit my body straight into it, zipping it back up. It was so nice. The side of my hips were empty wholes in the dress and over it had black lace. It had thick straps on my shoulders.vI really loved it.

I hear someone walk into my house, my mother Im guessing and run down my steps.

"Hey mum!" I say.

"Hey baby why you so nicely dressed?" She asks.

"Harrys bringing me out for supper tonight, actually in about 30 minutes!"

"Aww wow ok well have fun! Oh did you see our new neighbours?"

"We have new neighbours?"

"Jessy oh my have you been living in a cave?" She laughs.

"The Tomlinson's just moved in next door, they have a boy around your age you should go introduce yourself soon." She insists.

"Of course mum, maybe later!"

So sorry I took so long to update!! Ill try updated faster but please vote an comment it helps me a bunch! Thanks lovesxx

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