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Tom was silent for a moment, his mind suddenly blank. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to say to you without sounding like he was blaming you. 

"Hello?" The sound of your voice brought him back into the present. 

"U-uh, I, uh. . ." Tom struggled to find the words to say. "Y/N. . ." You didn't respond, waiting for him to continue. Tom took a deep breath. "Look, I'm not gonna lie," he began. "I don't know what happened to make you think that I was cheating on you, but I think you took things a bit too far and blew them out of proportion. I wish you had talked to me as soon as you started worrying instead of letting things build up and finally boil over. 

"That being said, I completely understand why you though the things that you thought. I did cheat on Zendaya with you, and you saw what happened because of that. It makes sense that when Casey suddenly appeared, you would think back to it and worry about history repeating itself. 

"I want you to know that I know that it was wrong of me to cheat on Zendaya. I know that you couldn't help but wonder if the same thing would happen to you, and I know that you had every right to question my loyalty to you. 

"But, that being said, I also want you to know how much I love you. There is nothing in this world that could make me stop loving you; I want to be with you, always. No matter what's going on, no matter how I'm feeling, or the situation that I'm in, I always know that at the end of the day, I get to call you mine; everything pales in comparison to that fact. As long as you're by my side, there's nothing in this world that can bring me down." Tom paused and took a deep breath, his voice shaking. 

"But. . . I also know that I can't force you to love me. I know that this may be something that can't be overcome with just a short break and a phone call; I can't force you to feel the same way about me that I feel about you, and I won't pretend that this just magically fixes everything. I just wanted you to know how I really feel." 

There was a tense moment of silence. 

"You sound just like Y/BFF," you muttered. Shit, Tom thought. Is that a bad thing? But suddenly, the sound of your laughter filled his ears. "I'm such an idiot," you said. Tom started to smile. "But. . ." Tom's smile faltered. 

"But what?" 

"You're not the one who should be apologizing." 

"What?" You took a deep breath. 

"I should have believed you," you began. "I let my mind get the better of me and I blew things way out of proportion, and I blamed all of my anxieties on you. That wasn't right of me." 

"Y/N. . ." Tom's voice trailed off; he wasn't sure what he was supposed to say, or if he was supposed to say anything at all. 

"I don't think we can just forget that this ever happened, though," you continued after a moment. "I mean, look what ignoring the problem did to us." 

"So then. . ." 

"We learn and move on." Tom nodded, letting out a silent sigh of relief. I haven't lost her, he thought. "I'm sorry, Tom. I really am." 

"It's alright, Y/N. I forgive you." He heard you take a deep breath. 

"So. . . what happens now?" Tom shrugged. 

"I suppose we could meet up again." 

"I'd like that." Tom smiled. 

"I love you, Y/N." 

"I love you, too, Tom." 


a/n: HOLY SHIT I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THIS ACCOUNT ASKSJGDHSKSDGHSGLSJDG I actually forgot my password and just completely disregarded these stories and everything and aaahhhhhh. 

I'm so sorry for the long absence. I had a lot of stuff going on in my personal life that was really negatively affecting me, but I have a therapist now and am on medication and am ready to FINISH THIS FUCKING STORY BABY. 

Again, my deepest apologies to those who have waited for an ungodly amount of time for me to finish this story. And to those who have been waiting and have come back. . . THANK YOU 

also. . . wtf is this writing lmfao. if there's one good thing about being away from this account it's seeing how my writing has improved lol. that being said, i already have the rest of the story plotted out and it's. . . interesting lol. we'll see what happens haha 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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