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As i was about to leave my room to meet sara and britney down, with my hand on the door handle, i heard a bunch of laughing and talking and what was weird about what i was hearing it sounded like joonie and his friends/ bandmates. The noise went from the hallway to the room next door to mine, they were so loud I could hear them through the wall. ‘fuck’ i whispered to myself, now knowing how i really have to be careful going in and out until after tomorrow some how, i can easily message him to find out what he is doing and where he was at. and thats just what i did, pulling out my phone i message him on skype

ME: joonbug what are you doing right now [hoping he would respond right away]

NAMJOON: i'm in my hotel room with some of the guys and having a few drinks, why do you ask princess

ME: What floor are you on at the hotel you're staying on? I just want to make sure you're not on the same floor as one of my classmates that's at the same hotel you're at, they are going to be attending your concert [trying to be slick to get clarification if that was really him that i heard in the hallway and now in the room next to mine and hoping he didn't ask any question about what i just told him to be able to  find out what i needed to]

NAMJOON: 5th floor

[i mentall cussed out the gods for giving me such luck, now knowing just how careful i have to be now to be able to keep the upper hand with the element of surprise, more than ever]

ME: have fun, i'm heading out to get dinner with sara and britney now [breathing a sigh of relief]

NAMJOON: ok princess

I put my phone back in my purse and left my room, closing the door softly after making sure no one from the group was lingering in the hallway and headed down stairs to meet sara and britney. We met up and walked across the street to eat, after getting our seats, we ordered some drinks

‘oh my god athena you should have seen the guys we saw that got onto the elevator’

‘hell yes, i wished she had too and im betting they were the guys that are performing tomorrow or at least working for them, they were all sexy as hell for asians’

I couldn't help but look at them sideways, raising an eyebrow. questioning what they were talking about.

‘what on earth are yall talking about’ i asked

‘Yeah, we saw a bunch of asian guys get onto the elevator when we was waiting on you to meet up with us, we went down early to look around’


[how else was i supposed to react to know what all i had already known, without giving anything away, mentally questioning myself]

‘are you ladies ready to order’ a male waiter asked as he walked up to our table

‘what would you suggest to someone that's never eaten here before’ sara asks in a flirtatious voice

The guy helped us order, we ate and drank, then headed back to our hotel. Their rooms were on the floor before mine, so I had to walk down a hall by myself with the little buzz i had going on. My buzz wasn't as bad as theirs. Getting Off the elevator  and started walking down the hall to my room, i was looking in my purse for my key when i bumped into someone

‘아 죄송합니다 용서해주세요"

i hear a guy say as i looked up and he was bowing his head

‘oh, i'm sorry’ i said and when he looked up my heart dropped when i had seen it was tae, joonie’s bandmate, if i remembered the name and face correctly, i hurried to my room and got inside, at this point i am praying he didnt recognize me, closing the door, I flopped onto the bed facepalming myself as i groan, for now my buzz was completely gone from fright of getting busted by namjoon

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