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we relax in the hot water not saying anything, just enjoying being in each others arms, until it had started getting cold, drying off we headed back to bed laying down in back naked, loving the feel of our bodies pressed against each other, i have my head on his shoulder and hand where his heart is beating, as he strokes the side of my arm softly

‘jagi, no matter how hard things get if we get super famous’

‘not if, when yall get world known baby’

[chuckles]’fine when we get world famous’ before he even finishes what he wanted to say i place a finger on his lips, shushing him

Joonie removes my finger from his lips, bends my hand and kisses my knuckles, rolling over tugging me closer to him, joonie kisses my forehead. We just laid there looking at each other for what seemed like hours never saying a word. I'm not sure at what point I fell asleep, but when I woke up he wasn't next to me. As I sat up and stretched, groaning as I did, Joonie walked out of the bathroom in just his jeans, drying his hair with a towel, smelling so much like heaven. oh i couldn't help but get horny all over again

‘morning baby, how are you feeling’

‘Mmmm morning joonbug, i feel amazing but a tad sore still’ i said as i finally stood up to go use the bathroom, as i walked by him, i stopped to place a kiss on his lips. After using the bathroom and my morning routine before walking out to grab clothes to put on, joonie was on the phone with someone so i was as quiet as possible while getting dressed while his muscular back was turned to me. After I got dressed I flopped on the bed, grabbing my phone to check to see if I had any missed messages and calls other than the call I ignored from Sara last night. which i had found i had none. i was strolling on instagram when i came across some photos from last night's concert when joonie plops down next me

‘whatcha looking at gorgeous’

‘’oh nothing much, just some photos others posted from last night concert, wanna look’ i asked him as i handed him my phone, he grabs my phone and looked at the photos

‘damn these comments and pics are something else, amazing’ joonie says not looking up from my phone

‘id say, you want to see the ones i took baby’

‘I really hope that wasn't a question,’ he replies, raising an eyebrow at me. I couldn't help but giggle a little. leaning over, I pressed my picture taking my screen straight to my main page. as joonie starts looking at the photos i posted, he leans back against the headboard with one leg hanging off the bed, wrapping an arm around me when i laid my head on his shoulder, listening to all he had to say about the pictures i had taken, when there was a knock at my door, we both froze staring at the door


‘go hide in the bathroom’ i said to joonie as i hopped up to go answer the door, i waited to open the door until he was in the bathroom, when i opened the door i saw jin standing there. I knew he didn't speak English at all, so I just motioned for him to come in, after I shut the door behind him. i walked to the closed backroom door, opening it

‘its ok joonbug its just your hyung jin’

‘oh’ he replies stepping from behind the shower curtain which makes me laugh

‘really joonbug, you hid in the shower’

‘oh hush’ kissing me before walking by to where jin was standing, they started speaking in korean and i couldn't help but notice something was off, i walked up beside joonie before asking him

‘baby, whats wrong’ looking up at him as he looked down at me, seemingly not wanting to answer me

‘jin thinks your going to be mad at him’

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