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Season 1, Part 2

12:59PM, 7/3/2010
The outside, Crates

Third Person POV-
Someone opened the crate,
where Y/N was hiding at
It was...

Hank J. Wimb POV-
'I opened the crate that I feel like there's
someone in it... Before, I almost pulled
the gun trigger—
There was a kid that's shakin'..
What is a kid doing in here alone..'

'They tried to not cry after they see me—
I picked them up,

'They tried to not cry after they see me—I picked them up,

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—they looked hurt.' (ofc bro) (⌐■-■)

I asked—

Hank J. ; Kid, what is your name..
           *Crispy voice*

ಠ_ಠ Oi, kid.. Can you talk?!

'I raised my voice
a little..

Y/N ; *Hic* I..i'm Y/...Y/N (;ŏ﹏ŏ) -*Poops*/j


Hank J. ; Where is your parents.

Y/N ; I..i don't know, I was just waiting for my papa to comeback, but i decides to explore, then I got lost.. (;;;・_・)

'Ah, they got lost.. Huh,
I should take them to 2BD, so he
can treat their scar. Cuh, why not—'

Y/N ; S..sir, c..can you... p..pu..put me do.. *Hic* down..? (´ . .̫ . ')

'Oh, right—'
I putted them down to floor

Hank J. ; So, um. Y/N, I need you to come with me.

Y/N ; H..huh, wh-why? 🤓

Hank J. ; Just come with me.

Y/N ; I-   Alright.. (。ŏ﹏ŏ)

Y/N's POV-

'A stranger asked me to come with them..
So, I decides to accept..
I..I don't wanna die....'

He carried me to a car! (✿^‿^)


30 Minutes Lator

S1, Part 2.5

With Y/N's parents
Third Person POV-         

The Inside, Hospital
1:48PM , 7/3/2010


Andrew ; Look, I was just getting some hotdawgs for us!
—But, the enemies came to me and start a fight..
          - It's not my fault! (`Д´)

Abedah ; It is your fault;! You leave them alone, you should've bring them with you!

Andrew thoughts ; .... She's right... I should've brang them with me......

Abedah ; Hey! Are you there?!

Andrew ; Oh, right..
—Ughh, can we just stop arguing! We can find them, after I got treated.

Abedah ; Okay, fine..

Cover by idk 🤷🏻‍♀️
Art by me
A/N ; Idek
End of part 2!

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