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In the moment, where everything seemed to be peaceful, Zigz and Kiki got caught up in an argument. Ilus watched glum from the corridor as they were discrepant over small things and Jurij cried in the background. Henry came upstairs and was totally clueless: "Are they fighting?". Ilus nodded silently. For Henry that didn't seem too dramatic: "They're not even yelling, it'll settle soon". But Ilus lowered his head: "That's also how things started with Jurij's father back then and nobody worried about that". -"Didn't Kiki say that he ran away in fear because of you?". -"You believed that? I mean... Yeah, I chased him away with a gun in my hands, but only when he treated her badly". -"And what's the problem now?". "Zigz doesn't want to meet Kiki's parents, 'cause neither can he speak Russian, nor does he have the balls to do it", he explained.

Shortly Henry thought about it and then concluded: "But isn't that a big hint to a long shared future if Kiki wants him to meet her parents?". Shark stood beside Ilus the whole time and finally entered the room to simply interrupt: "Listen to Teddy!". Both looked at Henry, who was perplexed: "Don't you introduce your partner to your parents when you're out for something bigger? Like a marriage or something?". Wide-eyed Ilus backed out of the situation. Zigz glanced at Kiki startled and facepalmed. Meanwhile Kiki shouted: "Thank you! So there still are humans that get how the system works!". It got quiet. Even Jurij calmed down, because Shark distracted him.

Kiki snapped against Zigz' forehead: "Will you say Yes now?". "Yeah, I'm sorry...", he smiled conciliatorily. "Maybe we can introduce Spencer when we're at it", Kiki suggested. "Why's that?", Zigz squinted. She smiled: "He makes the impression of a good godfather to me". Confused Shark turned around: "What is that?". Both laughed and Henry wanted to go back down, smiling happily. A bit too quick for his state of health Koi rushed by him on the stairs: "Move it!". "You shouldn't run", Henry reminded. "Shut up, I found Joel's parents!", he stubbornly went on his way. Henry tilted his head and murmured to himself: "What...?".

So Koi kicked the door in and gatecrashed into an inconvenient situation. Lucky kneeled on his bed, sang his heart out and played the air guitar along to a Taylor Swift song from 2010 booming from a loudspeaker. Usually Koi would've filmed him, but on this day he just called out: "Joel McCauley!". And also usually Lucky could never really be startled, but this time he fell off his bed with a short screech. With the heat rushing to his cheeks he glared at Koi: "Uhh, I can explain that!". In hysteria Koi turned the music down and shoved the laptop screen into his face: "Son of former farmer parents called Sean and Kathleen McCauley - Plan your next special vacation, we're flying to Glencolum- Glen- Your hometown in Ireland!". Pale Lucky stared at all the collected data. Koi put the laptop down so Lucky was able to look at his gentle smile: "Your father's even still alive...".

In the main hall Shota agitated: "You're paying my little brother this much money?!". Ilus puffed: "Don't be jealous and take care of the accounting. Because that's what I'm paying you for". "That's got nothing to do with jealousy! That boy is just a child! You're trusting him with this much money?!", he rebuked him. Ilus countered: "He bought a Lamborghini - From much more money I never gave him! He would've also done it without my payment!". Now Shota spoke in normal tones again: "That's true of course". Henry also sat at the table and giggled.

Speak of the devil, he tip-toed down the stairs singing: "Ilus~~~". Chef reprimanded him: "Can't you take at least one day off to rest up?". "I'm not even working. In fact, I want to go on vacation, but only together with Lucky", he demanded. Shy Lucky followed slowly. "Reason?", Ilus raised an eyebrow. "Our little fella would like to see his family again", Koi put his hand around his best friend and squeezed him. Ilus' voice got softer: "Really...? I didn't know about that...". Lucky avoided eye contact and didn't answer. Chef got up: "Sure, please take that vacation. Just write down from when and how long, I'll approve that". Proudly Koi stood there: "I knew it... So Lucky, you're a Swiftie?". Lucky flinched and looked like a tomato in seconds.

Dexter tried to use his chance and he dragged Henry into a side room: "Isn't it totally cute how Ilus takes care of his fellow men like they're his brothers?". Henry's look sharpened: "Excuse me?". He couldn't belive that: "Are you jealous of me?!". But quickly a light bulb dawned on him: "Oh yeah, Ilus is so pretty with his silver eyes that shine brighter than the moon and his attractive companionship-". Henry pulled his hat down to his nose: "Not funny!". "At least you do get jealous around him after all, that's good...", he fixed his hat. "Do you really think this way about him...?", he asked insecure. Dexter tilted his head: "Well, I'm not gushing over him, jerk". "Sorry...", Henry apologized quietly. Laughing Dexter pushed him out again.


"I'm at risk of losing my balance any second again and you want me to go near your eye with a laser?", Koi questioned skeptically. "My catholic parents would maybe see the crooked lightning strike underneath my eye as unaesthetic", Lucky said nervously. Koi crossed his arms: "I thought you swore faithfully to never ever get rid of that tattoo". "My point is that you made it. I'd ask you to make me a new one afterwards", he explained. The crossed arms were accentuated with a playful grin: "Oh really?". Lucky pouted back at him: "You know exactly that I don't really want any tattoos". "If you'd get yourself a new one after your visit - from my untalented hand of all - then you should have enough confidence to show yourself to your family like that. They know you're bisexual and accepted that too", he shared his opinion.

Muttering Lucky looked away: "Why can't you just do what I'm asking of you?". -"Alright, alright. What do you want to have afterwards then?". -"Dunno...". -"You want me to write something in Kanji, don't you?". -"Please...". Shortly Koi laughed, then he agreed: "Fine. Let's see if your squeamish skin can stand the pain". "Just get me sloshed if I don't", he commanded.

A few rooms farther Zigz and Shota were talking about the fincances of Kiki's café in her room. Suddenly they heard screams, followed by an annoyed Koi: "I only touched you with my finger!". "Just give me the booze!", Lucky protested. Zigz asked Shota: "What do you think about these two?". "Yasuo is trying not to see it and Joel doesn't have to try", he shrugged. "Seriously?", he turned around to him. "No, I don't know. You're asking a gay, who saw his brother grow up in all the same aspects except for his preferences. I only hope for him to do well. I don't worry about more than that", he shook his head. Zigz insisted: "Lucky once asked him for a one night stand when drunk. I heard it". "I know, Yasuo told me. They barely knew each other at that point, since he was new to the gang. He rejected him politely and Lucky accepted without causing a scene like you're doing. Can we please concentrate on the important things now?", he slowly snapped. Not convinced Zigz muttered against the paper work.

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