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— Chapter 9 —

"Who is Yeonjun?

"My ex-husband"

"Wait... you had a husband at such a young age?" Jisung looked at her with pure shock

"Yeah, it was forced tho. But as the days passed by, we started to have feelings for each other.

Then one day, when we were having a date on the amusement park, he asked me to be his girlfriend, like for real and I agreed.

But then, our biggest rival, The Lim Corps attacked the company but they didn't succeed so they decided to attack me and Yeonjun.

I'm a black belter in taekwondo so I knew how to fight back, Yeonjun also knew how but unfortunately..." She sighed and looked at the night sky.

"He got stabbed and died" Jisung went quiet and looked at her who was about to cry.

Jisung engulfed her in a hug and patted her back.

"Shh, let it out. I know it's hard loosing a loved one. Just cry Jess, I'll be here for you" He comforted and Haneul snuggled on his chest and cried.

After a few minutes, Haneul stopped crying and released the hug. Jisung patted her head and she smiled at him

"Thank you Ji, I have never cried that much in such a long time" she chuckled and Jisung just smiled

"You must've loved him so much" He said and Haneul nodded

"Yeah, you're right."

"Yah! Park Jisung! Lee Haneul! go back to your cabin! I swear to Chittaphon I'll get killed if something happens to you both!" Mr. Seo shouted and the two laughed at him for swearing at their P.E. teacher's name.

The two went back to their cabin and got ready for bed. Haneul did her nighttime routine while Jisung immediately jumped on his bed.

"Let's sleep, we still have a big day tomorrow" Haneul said and turned the lights off before going to bed.

"What are we gonna do tomorrow?" Jisung asked

"Johnny said that we're going to the hills before the sun rises so we could watch it"

"Who's Johnny?"

"Oh, it's Mr. Seo, I sometimes call him Johnny or Yeongho since that's his name" she said and Jisung nodded even tho she can't see him in the dark.

"Have you brought the candles Jess?" Jisung asked but he didn't hear a response. He looked at the girl on the other bed who was peacefully sleeping.

He saw her face since the moon's light shone on her beautiful face.

"Seems like you're already asleep. Good night Lee Haneul" He smiled to himself and closed his eyes before going into deep slumber.

[The next day]

"Alrighty folks time to wake uppp~" Mr. Seo (or let's just call him Johnny) shouted and hit the pan with a spatula to wake the students up.

"Ugh, I swear I'm gonna haunt him if I die" Haneul groaned before standing up and headed towards the bathroom.

"Park Jisung, Lee Haneul. Time to wake up! it's 4AM! Don't wanna miss the sunrise!" He shouted and went to the other cabin.

Jisung took his hoodie from his bag and put it on, it was cold outside so he didn't bother taking a bath.

Haneul went out from the bathroom with a wet face and a towel on her shoulder.

"Water is too cold. I'mma take a bath later when we come back from the hills" Haneul wiped her face and took her bomber jacket and wore it.

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