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— Chapter 38 —

"Aaahh, it's good to breath the Canadian air again" Haneul stretched her arms as they arrived at the airport in Canada.

"It's my first time coming here in Canada" Jisung muttered yet Haneul heard him

"You've got to be kidding me. I thought you once lived here?" Jisung froze as he thought of an alibi. Haneul squinted her eyes and he immediately chuckled nervously

"What I meant was it's my first time in forever coming here in Canada. I missed the uh- the air. Yeah!" He scratched his head while Haneul knew something's wrong with him but she just shrugged it off.

"We'll take the taxi?" Jisung asked and Mark shook his head

"I had contacted our driver. He's 5 minutes away from here, let's just wait for him to arrive" They waited for a bit and the driver finally arrived with Mark's limousine.

"Woah, how many cars do you guys have?" Jisung asked with wide eyes. Mark chuckled and Haneul shook her head

"Probably around 15? 16? Plus 4 here in Canada. One for each of us siblings" Mark responded as the driver took their luggages and placed it in the trunk.

The three hopped in the limo, Mark sitting on the front with the driver and the two sat at the back. Once the limo started, Jisung got even more excited. He really wanted to go to new places and Canada is new for him.

"You okay Ji?" Haneul asked and Jisung hummed and nodded. Haneul smiled at him because he looks like a kid who's excited to see a new place.

But that made Haneul wonder. Why would he be excited when he spent his childhood here? That's what she's gonna find out later.


When they arrived at their house, Jisung was shocked to see a normal house instead of a mansion.

"Woah, you have a small house here in Canada? I mean it's not that small, but smaller than your house in korea"

"Yeah, mom and dad wanted to buy a smaller house since it's only a vacation house for us. When we were kids, we used to live with our aunt's house while she was in Europe. Aunt's house was also a mansion but smaller than ours in korea." Mark explained

"And also, when Aunt came back from Europe, mom and dad decided to buy a small house for us to live in for awhile before we go back to korea" Haneul continued and Jisung nodded his head.

"You never sell this property after your parents died?"

"No, we wanted to keep- wait a second.. how did you know that our parents died?" Jisung's eyes widened again

"U-uh, I asked Haechan hyung months ago" With this, Haneul's suspicion was added. But she thought that she was thinking nonsense again.

"Well yeah, we decided to keep it. Let's go inside and wash up, Mark's gonna prepare for dinner"

"You don't have maids here?"

"We have but there are times that Mark wants to cook for us but just one time since he's always lazy when he's here in Canada." She said and told the driver to help them with their luggages and went inside the house.


[The next day (evening)]

Haneul, Mark and Jisung got ready for the meeting held at the most expensive restaurant which was also a hotel at the top floor located near the beach. Haneul didn't know what the meeting was all about but Mark said that he'll handle everything.

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