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— Chapter 25 —

[Haneul's P.O.V.]

A year had already passed after our graduation day, we had already took the board exam and we actually passed!

Today, me and Domin are applying for a job at Seoul National Hospital as doctors.

Finally, I had reached one of my goals in life. I bet my parents and Jisung are happy for me right now.

Me and Domin entered the hospital with the envelopes in our hands. I was nervous since we have to be interviewed for a bit.

Domin asked the nurse for the direction to the office of the owner of this hospital.

As the nurse told us the direction, we thanked her and started to walk towards his office

"Hey, you nervous?" Domin asked and I shook my head

"I'm really nervous right now Min, what if I won't get accepted? My brothers will surely get disappointed"

"Don't worry Haneul, I know you can do it. And besides, I'm here with you, no need to get nervous alright?" I just nodded and sighed deeply.

We arrived at the front of the owner's office. I knocked three times and we heard a faint 'come in' from the other side.

I twisted the doorknob and opened it. We saw the owner sitting on his chair while looking at some documents

"Oh hello! What can I do for you?" The muscular man said and smiled at us

"Uhm, are you Mr. Bang Chan?" I asked and he nodded

"Yes I'm Bang Chan, and you two are?"

"Uhm, I'm Lee Haneul and this is Jung Domin. We're here to apply for the job as doctors sir"

"Lee Haneul? Are you related to Lee Taeyong?"

"Yes sir, he's my older brother"

"Oh really? It's good to know that Taeyong hyung's sister is gonna work here. You may sit here guys"

We bowed and sat on the chairs in front of his table. We gave our envelopes that contains our documents

"So, when did you graduate college?"

"We just graduated A year ago sir, and we had took the board exam 6 months ago and we passed. Me and Domin wanted to find a job as soon as possible since we don't want to be a burden for long to our brothers."

"And we wanted to start our new journey at a young age since I had noticed that some of the doctors here started at their 40's"

"Ooh, how'd you know that they're in their 40's tho?"

"Just a guess"

"You know, You're really like your brother Haechan. Wonder why I know him and your other brothers? Well I'm Mark's best friend too, but we got separated when we were in college since me and my fam went back to Australia and I studied there until I graduated."

"Woah, why didn't Mark tell me about this"

"I don't know, maybe he forgot about me?" He sadly chuckled and checked out files.

"Okay so let's start with Haneul first, Domin can you wait outside for a bit, We'll call you once Haneul is done" Domin nodded and went outside

"Okay Haneul, why should I hire you? What will our hospital get when you work here?"

"You should hire me because I am a very fast learner and I always make sure that my patients are taken care and they'll eat at the right time."

"When I work here, your hospital will get a very hard working doctor, and I assure you that your hospital will be known as the best hospital in korea. And also, you will also be well-known to all k-netz." I gladly said and Bang Chan smiled at me.

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