do you fancy him?

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Somehow the next morning the company and Gandalf managed to convince Bilbo to join them on the journey and hey I was happy about it.

'Miss Moon, how often you went on an adventure?' Fili asked and I shrugged 'dunno, I suppose as a little girl I often run away from home for hours and end went down the little forest to play around and went back home. I wasn't really a steady kid you know'

He laughed at that 'you should try to be steady on this journey miss moon' Thorin joined. You followed next to him and bowed a bit 'Yes your majesty' and laughed.

'How come you are too expert in herbs? Is it an educational thing or you are a healer?'

I looked at kili and thought of his question 'I think something between the two, I taught myself how to use herbs, treatment with herbs and I am pretty much if not alot prepared to be a healer.'

He nodded 'that makes perfect sense. How old are you again?'

'Way too younger'

'Do tell'


The all gasped 'my lord, you are a child?' Ori asked surprised. I shook my head 'from where I live being in my early Twinty is like being an young adult. People in mu age work, have their own houses and some even get married'

'Are you married?' Fili asked.

'Gosh no, I can't see myself getting married not with anyone where I am from'

'Why? What is wrong with men where you are from?' Kili asked walking next to me now. I shrugged 'dunno, haven't met the right one I guess?'

'So you met numerous of them to judge?' Thorin asked and I stopped so did kili 'not numerous, but one'

'Lover?' Kili joined.

'Not really, it was a' I paused 'never-mind that let not go there anyway where are we going?'

'I think we are heading stright according to the map' Dwalin answered.

We walked few more miles  until we reached a high level of surface that looked a great place to stop for the night. As they made the camp and fire I sat there looking at the night sky.

'Too many stars aren't they not?' Fili sat next to me. I nodded 'I love them all, you know as a kid I had only one wish and that was to just touch the stars just for once' I smiled at the memories 'aren't they just beautiful?'

'Yes' he whispered. I pointed at the brightest one 'look at that one' I told him placing my hand on his shoulder. He just checked his eyes followed wherever I pointed.

It was getting late and we decided to call it a night and go to sleep. Iade the lovely mistake of sleeping in near the fire not because it was fire but it was the company members moving around all the time.

But when I was about to sleep I felt someone moved behind me so I sat in my place half asleep. It was kili and he had his blanket wrapped around him 'can't sleep?' I asked and he nodded playing himself next to me and we both lay there looking at the sky 'do you fancy him?' He whispered.

'What?' I whispered back turning my head towards him. And he turned towards me 'my brother, Fili, do you fancy him?'
I shook my head confused 'and why would you say that?'
He shrugged 'no idea, weren't you two closer earlier?'

'Kili, you are literally in my bed does that mean I fancy you?' I replied if he was referring to us sitting together and stargazing. He sat a bit 'do you not fancy me?'

I pushed him head back down and turned my back to him with a chuckle 'kili, go to sleep or I will wake your uncle'

He went to lay on his back 'Fine, good night miss moon'

I hummed in response.

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