WW3 final part

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Poland pov

I smiled as I pushed them back for a bit with my army sending some forces to try and help the Balkan front that is collapsing. I smiled as this had forced the AXIS offensive so I asked them for a peace deal which they accepted. Let's hope that the peace treaty is sort of favorable on our terms.

Treaty of Warsaw

German Reich

- All Prussian lands become Prussian Republic

- The Prussian Republic joins the World defenders


- Cedes Silosan to Slovakia

- Cedes Poznari to German Reich

- Pays minor war reps to the AXIS and Allies


- Cedes Serres, and Kavala to Bulgaria

- Cedes Crete to the British Empire

- Cedes all nearby Greek islands near Turkey

- Cedes Itylo, Gythio, Kalamata, Messini, Pylia, Trifylia, Lakedemona, and Epidavros Limiras are ceded to British Greece (British colony)

- Italy annexes all border provinces 

- Greece becomes an Italian puppet

- Greece pays medium war reps to the AXIS and the Allies


- Cedes lands they gained from the 2nd Balkan war and WW1

- Cedes all of Translavinia to Hungary

- Pays medium war reps


- Loses border provinces to Italy

- Cedes Maribor Oblast is ceded to German Reich

- Cedes Bregalnica Oblast to Italy

- Cedes all former lands the Hungarians owned in their part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to Hungary

- Montengro is released as an Italian puppet

- Pays medium war reps

- Cedes all lands taken from Bulgaria after the 2nd Balkan war and WW1


- Changes name to Bulgarian Empire

AXIS and Allies

- Pay minor war reps to the world defender countries that remain in the alliance

Signed by USY, Romania, Greece, Italy, German Reich, British Greece, Prussian Republic, British Empire, Hungary, Bulgarian Empire, and the rest of the Allies / AXIS

(WW3 is over and Polish-Soviet relations are increasing... does that mean WW4 is gonna be Poland, Soviet union, and their alliance vs the AXIS, and the Allies. That is gonna be a very bloody war for both sides so let's hope WW4 doesn't happen especially if either side gets nukes which would make it even worse!)

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