World war 4 part 1

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British Ukraine pov

I was told of this and quickly had my troops focus on defenses while we planned an offensive into the Soviet Union. I also had my minor navy fight the huge amount of Soviet naval assets so that we can cripple therefore prevent future naval invasions of my land which depending on our state could get us to capitulate. My air force moved to fight for dominance of Ukraine in the sky to cause as much damage to the Soviet war machine as possible and cause them to possibly delay offensives to buy us as much time as we can be given.

British Malayaisa pov

I quickly moved forces to British Greece so that I can prepare for a push into the Balkans to aid the Italians as I worry that due to their work during World war 3 they may not successfully push and lose ground allowing for the fall of the Balkan front then eventual fall of the entire Balkans in general. My navy and air force moved to aid in the Pacific battles of the sea or aid to help our allies in the North who will be facing more of the Soviet army than I will anytime soon so delaying this could be crucial in our victory in the Asian front in general.

Italy pov

I did make gains in the Balkans with minor casulties but it feels just too easy for me so I had them stop while my air force searched to discover any possible ambushes or offensives that would flank us. This is because the Romanians and Slavics have not showed me their true army size despite my spy network identifying that their full army is not fighting in the war yet so I had my navy also search in case of a suprise naval invasion of one of my allies or self.

Japanese Siberia pov

My forces began to push into the Soviets with their not being much resistance which makes sense due to half of their army being in Europe in some shape or current form. So when we got a huge chunk of attrition we chose to stop and began to focus on building up supply to allow us to take more than Siberia alongside the small chunk of resistance in Asia known as Mongolia. Luckily for me many of the Russian citizens have joined in our forces or army due to the hatred they have of the Soviet government literally drinking all of the money the citizens have ever had.

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