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Mia Bladell was far from her sister, in fact she was the absolute opposite. Patty was a sweet, and shy, and well....a well rounded young girl, when Mia was a slim breath of fresh air. But Mia didn't see it like the obvious difference, growing up she thought of Patty the same as she saw everyone else. Beautiful. But, the girl was often criticized for seeing everyone like that. Most thought it was silly, mainly her mother, when she looked at Mia, she saw a flash of herself. Blonde, pretty, bright, social. And she wanted her daughter to understand her privilege, the privilege of being pretty.

"Mia, listen to me...You know your a pretty girl, right?"


"And we don't flaunt our beauty to others. Remember that, we also don't flaunt our hoodoo. Or let any boy under the roof till we're at least thirteen- well, maybe fourteen."

Angie told the young girl everything, teaching her every cracked up detail. But this was only a beginning of lessons from the young mom, Angie would soon teach Mia all sorts of 'tricks'. At only the age nine, Mia had already been given the full sex talk. Patty however found out from her sister, rather than mother. That's how it had mainly been when they were young, Patty was like a ghost, invisible to Angie. Whoever Mia was a swarm of magnets, attracting everyone to her. 

Perhaps that's the reason why Patty was always so jealous of the girl, or maybe the fact that she'd been best friends with her crush, Brick Armstrong since 4th grade. The two immediately hit it off during lunch, Brick sat alone. Assuming he'd got into an argument with his friends, Mia joined him. At first it was awkward, but after some talking, the two surprisingly had shared an interest of capture the flag, and ice cream. 

Either way, senior year, Patty was ready for a change. And she never saw it coming, 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗇𝖾𝗂𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝖽𝗂𝖽 𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗂𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋...

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