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After beating Milim, Rim had shown himself, after I threw him into town the Kijin and Mugino had shown up asking what was wrong, when he told them apparently Mugino wanted to come help me but Rim stopped her since he saw I wanted to fight Milim

I picked up Milim and hung her over my shoulder, I took her to a place to rest while Rim was talking with me

Rim: "I get that you wanted to fight her but did you have to throw me like a football!?"

"No. But it was definitely much more enjoyable then just telling you to leave"

Rim: "Why you..."

Rim and I got to my home and I laid Milim down and would just wait for her to wake up till I remembered something important

"Wait a sec. Rim, use a full potion"

After looking at me for a second we both realized we were idiots for not doing this sooner, he threw a potion at her and the bruises and blood went away, few seconds later she woke up and was looking around

"So, how it feel? You lost to me you know"

She looked at me and seemed to remember what happened, instead of being angered or upset she looked mildly annoyed

Milim: "Yeah I did... can't believe I lost to someone who barely even uses magic..."

While we were talking Rim brought the Kijin and Mugino over since he wanted them to be here or something, after a bit Milim had done something that made my situation even worse

Milim: "Well you beat me. So I'm yours now"


"I'm sorry what?"

Milim: "You heard me, I'm yours. You beat me, so now you're with me, forever and ever"

After confirming what I had just heard she had explained after I asked, since she was beaten, she acknowledges that I'm stronger so now she's mine...

"Why does this have to be so complicated... I already have two women wanting me, now a third"

Milim: "Wow! Look at you, having multiple girls, well that's fine. Not like I'd stop you, if you want more than me then that's fine"

When she had said that Shion was blushing a bit, though she was much better off than Mugino and Rim, who were both blushing pretty hard at what she said

"Why are you blushing slime?"

Rim: "It's just weird! You have multiple girls wanting you Aki! And she says she's fine with it? It's so weird!"

Either way now I have another girl who wants me, and she won't take no for an answer so guess I'm stuck with her

During this I asked if she'll stay on good terms with us, and she will, so nothing to worry about there. I just got us an alliance with a Demon Lord, hell yeah

Later we had announced this and, like with most announcements, the villagers were celebrating on how we made an alliance with a Demon Lord, though during it Milim had announce that Rim was her best friend and I was her lover

To which the town celebrated even more... I don't think I can find a way to get out of this lover thing, maybe I should just accept them all then... I'm not sure

Either way this day has just been a headache, I'm just gonna sleep the rest of the day

"Rim. I leave her in your capable slime hands"

Rim: "Wha- Hey! Don't just dump your problems into me!"


After getting some rest after that weird day it seems that there is just another issue

While Rim was over at the cave I was in town being dragged around by Milim who wanted to see the place, while we were there some people came with one claiming he was sent by Lord Carrion and he was a beastke- I don't know... I'm not even gonna pretend like I payed attention

Anyways he started saying to Rigurd that this would be a nice place to be ruled by his lord, when Rigurd asked if he was joking or not, the guy punched him and sent him back

Cause of this, Milim got mad that the guy hurt her best friends' subordinate and punched the guy so hard it replayed 3 different times!

When he was hit he was spinning like a beyblade until he fell onto the ground with foam or something flowing out his mouth... wait what the hell is a beyblade?

"Oh yeah... beyblades, pastlife... I remember those, they were fun

Milim had come up to me with the look of a dog wanting to be praised, not knowing if I should scold her or encourage this behavior, I just decided to give her what she wants and patted her head, to which she closed her eyes and nuzzled her head on my hand. Not gonna lie, it's pretty cute

A little bit later and Rim came over and was told what happened after healing Rigurd, we then went to the discussion building and learned why this guy was here

Long story short, Demon Lord Carrion wanted the Majin here to serve him, Rim sent the guy on his way with a message to Carrion, who probably won't get it and that was it

Timeskip... again

Gobta had come back after killing a Knight Spider, man this was gonna be good food, he had brought some humans with him though. I remember the three idiots from before but there were a lot  of others with them

They had gone with Rim to the discussion building to do something. I was gonna eat before seeing what was up

After eating I had gone to the building and overheard that they wanted proof that this village is good to humans and such, I had opened the door after this and made my way in

"This proof enough for you?"

They were surprised since I guess they didn't know about the one out of only two humans that are living in this town

They wanted a bit more proof though just to make sure or something. Rim had asked this white/silver haired guy, named Youm apparently, if he wanted to be the "champion" who defeated the Orc Lord



Later during the day, Youm was on a hill while me and Rim came up to him

"It's pretty nice ain't it?"

Youm: "Yeah... it is"

Rim had asked once more if he wanted to be the champion and, he accepted, they were going to train under Hakurou though for a bit since they needed to make sure they fit the skills of a champion well enough

Looks like our life is going along nicely, though I wonder...

"When will I meet any other level 5?"

That time I got reincarnated as Accelerator Where stories live. Discover now