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"Okay, class. I want to announced something." say Mr. Jung as he get into the class.

The students silent to heard his speech. "Our class will collab with 6MA1 class. We will go to a campfire at the jungle in about 3 days more. So, I want all of you be prepared and get ready."

add him and the students start to be noisy. Some of them was happy, some of them are not.

"Class! I don't want to heard any excuse, all of you will join this." said Mr. Jung before he left the class.

"Yah! Campfire again? We had do it last year!"

whinnied Yujin made Yena turn around, same goes with Chaeyeon and Hyewon. Yuri too.

"Yah, dog. Camping is fun you know. I can't wait to share my tent with Kkura!" say Chaeyeon and claps her hands.

All of them except Yuri left out a disgust face. "Tch... Dirty mind." add Chaeyeon to them.

"Whatever. I will go. It was so fun." comment Yena and continue doing her work.

"Really? I had never go for a camping before." say Yuri, she try to grabbed Yena's attention.

"Seriously, Yuri?" ask Hyewon disbelief and Yuri nods. Yena squeaked then.

"So you must go then." answer her and look to Yuri. "Tch.. This stalker want me to go?" tease Yuri while rolling her eyes.

And Yena was upset. "Yah! I'm not a stalker!" mad her and all her friends raised their eyebrows.

"What's with you two? Already made up?" ask Hyewon teasingly and Yuri rolled her eyes.

"No!" both of them answered and Yujin laughed hardly.

"Yah Yena unnie! You said you want to―"

"Shut up, Yujin!!"

cutted Yena off as she shouted loudly made all the students looked at her.

Yena glared to Yujin and she stood up. Yena left the class.

"Woo what's wrong with her? Period cramp?" ask Chaeyeon and Hyewon raised both her shoulders

"YENA unnie are you okay?" ask Wonyoung carefully while she saw Yena was silent.

"I'm okay. Just don't having a mood today." answer Yena simply and fake smile to Wonyoung.

"Really?" ask Yuri made Yena shocked, same goes with her friends.

Yena look to Yuri and she ignored her. "Hmm.." Yuri roll her eyes.

"So, about the camping.. Have you guys packing or not? I'm so excited so I'm done packing!"

say Sakura excitedly and Eunbi smiles. "Really? Me too!" reply her and the others facepalmed.

"Tch.." Hyewon squeaked.

"Guys, I will go now. My parents ask me to go home early." say Yena and stood up.

"Ahh really? Okay, bye Yena!" reply Chaeyeon and Yena smiles to them. She walked leaving the place.

Yena was walking alone while sighing. Why did she sulking with Yuri to be honest? It's not Yuri's fault at all.

"Unnie?" call someone make she shocked and turn around.

"Yuri? What do you want?" ask Yena and turn back, she start to walking. Yuri chased after her.

"I know that you were lying to them, saying that your parents ask you to go home early."

"So? What's wrong with that?" ask Yena and look at Yuri. Yuri sighed madly.

"Even I don't like you, unnie... It doesn't mean I don't care of you." say Yuri and Yena stopped from walking.

"Really?" ask her and they looked at each other. Yuri was not in her sense when looking into Yena's eyes.

Her heart beat fast, same goes with Yena. Their position was close to each other.

Yena slowly held Yuri's face and lean closer. Yuri freeze at her place.

"I miss you so much, Joyul."

whisper Yena and she stepped back. Yena want to back to her sense before she do something thay made Yuri might hates her.

Yuri's face blushing all of a sudden, she don't realized it and look into Yena.

"I will go now." add Yena and walked leaving Yuri dumbfounded.

Yuri looked down. "J-Joyul? I know the nickname.. B-But where did I heard it?"

she asks herself, yet her head start to ache. She yelped in pain.

"Joyul, thank you so much." Yena looked at Yuri and went to hugged her. Yuri chuckles.


"It's suits for you."

"Tch.. You are welcome."

They smiled together before Yena peck on Yuri's lips softly.

Yuri opened her eyes and she take a deep breath. Her forehead are sweating.

"I-I know Yena unnie? R-Really?" Yuri held her chest. Her heart still skipped a beat remember the scene earlier.

2 days later..

All of the students were in the bus right now. They go with two bus. All of Yena's friends sitting besides their own girlfriends.

Make Yena and Yuri site beside each other, Yuri still shy for what happened 2 days ago.

She don't know why, but she can't forget the scene that they almost kissing each other.

While Yena bites her lips, she miss the chance to kiss Yuri. She really miss Yuri and want to kiss her, but she don't want Yuri hates her.

Yena open her phone and play a games. She try to focus on her game.

The bus start to moved, the teachers and the students do their own work.

To be continued..

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