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A girl with medium brown hair was looking at herself in the mirror while smiling. She stroke her hair softly.


she mumbled alone and wear a glasses, make she looks cute.

After that, she took her bag on the bed and a few of books before she left her room.

"Make sure you comfortable with that school, honey." said her mom and the girl chuckles.

"I will, don't worry mom." reply her and her mom smiles.

"You should go now."

the girl nodded and they bid a goodbye. After her daughter left, the woman left out a sighed.

"I hope she can changed. I don't want she chased after a girl who has a girlfriend anymore."

"HI GUYS!" greeted Yujin and Hyewon. Chaeyeon, Yena and Yuri lift their head up and smiles to them.

"Hi." reply Yuri and they sit closer to them. "What are you guys doing?" ask Yujin.

"Nothing. Just talking about something else."

answer Yena and Yujin nods.

"I heard that Mrs. Roh didn't come today. So, we don't have a lesson!"

tell one student, Shin Hye and all eyes landed on her.

"Seriously?" ask Hyewon happily and Shin Hye nodded.

"YEAYY!!" both Yujin and Hyewon scream happily and they clapped their hands. Yena, Yuri and Chaeyeon facepalmed.

All of a sudden, Mrs. Lee come to them make the class went silent.

"Class, today you got a new transferred student from China. Meet her, Wang Yiren." say her.

A girl with medium brown hair slowly walked into the class and smiled shyly to them.

She bowed then. "Hi. I'm Wang Yiren. Nice to meet you guys and I hope you can treat me well."

say her gently and all the students smiled. "Hi, Yiren." say Junghae and Yiren smile to him.

"I will go now. As you guys know, Mrs. Roh didn't come because she have an urgent so please stay silent."

"Yes, ma'am!!"

Mrs. Lee shook her head before she smiled and leave the class. Yiren went to walked inside the class.

She decided to sit beside Min Ah, which it across to Yena and Yuri.

"Let's play games!" said Chaeyeon to her gang and all of them nods.

Yuri just nods and fake smiles. Her mood changed after she realized Yiren always looking at her group, or mostly Yena.

"LET'S eat now." say Eunbi and they obeyed her. They started to eat peacefully.

"So, holiday was about to come. What will you guys want to do?" ask Sakura after sipping her milk.

"I will go for a holiday with my family because I already promised to them." answer Yujin and Wonyoung nods.

"Me too. My family and Yujin's family decided to go for a holiday together."

all of them facepalmed. "At least you two can spend time together." comment Hyewon lazily.

"I know right. I will go to my hometown to visit my grandma." answer Chaeyeon.

"I will go to Japan because I miss my parents." reply Sakura.

"And I will do nothing in my house." add Eunbi and sigh.

When Hyewon was about to speak, suddenly Yiren lean closer to them. She saw Yena and widely smiles.

"Hi. I'm Yiren. You must be Yena right?" ask her and they all stopped from talking.

They turn and Yena raised a brow seeing Yiren. While Yuri's face are changed.

"Yeah.." answer Yena simply and Yiren chuckles. Her eyes then landed on Yuri and her smiles fade away.

"And who is this?" ask her.


"I'm Jo Yuri. Yena's girlfriend."

said Yuri, cutting Yena off as she looked at Yiren sharply. Yiren fake smile although she shocked.

"Ahhh I thought you are her sister. Because you don't seems like her girlfriend. Not suitable."

Yuri's face are cold hearing that, same goes with the others. They looked at each other while Yena and Yuri looked at Yiren sharply.

"What do you mean?" ask Yena not satisfied. Yiren smiles sweetly to her and she look at Yuri.

She smirks. "Nothing, Yena. Just want to tell you.. that you are beautiful and hot."

Yiren said that while looking at Yuri and she walked leaving all of them dumbfounded.

Yuri grips her hands tight and she stood up. "Yuri, where did you wanna go?" ask Eunbi.

Yuri didn't answering Eunbi, and she just walked leaving them.

"Oh god.. that new student.." Chaeyeon mumbled and Sakura heard it.

"What? New student?" ask her shockedly and Chaeyeon nodded.

"She's a new student but acted like she's the owner of this school." mad Wonyoung.

"I will find Yuri." say Yena to them and she run searching her girlfriend.

"UNNIE, where is Yuri unnie?" ask Wonyoung to Yena as all of them saw Yena was sitting in the class alone.

Yena who was pouting lift her head up. "I don't know where is her. Perhaps she's back to her house." answer her weakly.

Yujin and Hyewon looked at each other. While Eunbi and Sakura raised their eyes brows.

"What? Did Yuri sulking with you? What's wrong with her?" asked Chaeyeon.

Yena shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know too. Maybe she's too mad with Yiren."

Eunbi sighed heavily. "You can persuade her later. Now, focus on the lesson."

Yena nodded, although she really want to persuade Yuri right now.

After the class was finished, Yena immediately clean her things and grabbed her bag.

She walked leaving the class without bid a goodbye to her friends.

"She's really want to persuade her girlfriend, huh?" ask Hyewon and Chaeyeon rolled her eyes.

"Of course, Kwangbae. She really loves Yuri."

Yujin giggles seeing Hyewon's face that was palming.

"Let's go to them." say her and both of them nodded.

To be continued...

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