The hardest night

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TW Suicidal thoughts!

Hunters pov

No no no .. no

I ran into the woods, tears streaming down my face trying to process what i had just seen.

I was a grimwalker.

Belos had been using me this entire time.

He was going to kill me.

No no no non non noo

I couldent run anymore my entire body felt weak as i collpsed to the ground.

Everything he had said about wild magic was wrong and i fell for it.

No no no no

What was i going to do? I couldnt go back, and luz had offerd me a place to stay.

I rolled over on the dirty ground. I didnt want to go back to the owl house. I didnt want to face her after she was right this entire time.

Maybe ill just lay here forever. I thought sadly, not bothering to wipe the stream of tears from my face.

Im only here to serve belos, and if im not going to serve belos should i be here at all?

I lied on the ground for a few more hours, not bothering to move, not bothering to think

"TWEET" I felt flapjack aggresively land on my shoulder.

"Sorry buddy, im not going back to the owl house." I mumbled.


"No im not going to move."

Flapjack hopped down and bean to tug on my shirt.

"I said im not going to move."

The night had started getting cold and flapjack snuggled up to my chest for warmth.

Then the little palisman got up and looked around. As if startled by somthing.


"Theres somthing in the woods?" I asked, "good maybe it will eat me."

With this delcaration flapjack looked up at me sadly.

"Im sorry panckes im sorry.." A fresh stream of tears fell down my face as i reilzed if i died flapjack would probly be captured by belos. "Flapjack you have to go, go back to the owl house. Luz will take care of you i know it."


"Hunter?" Eda said, crashing through the bushes. "Thank goodness ive been searching everywhere."

I didnt move. Serching? Did she want more information about belos before i died? Did she. . . care about me?"

"Hunter?" Eda asked, a hint of panic rising in her voice.

Eda ran over and put a hand on my side. "thank titan hes alive."

"Damn it" I mumbled.

"What was that?" Eda asked, "Titan your so cold-"

A warm blanket wrapped around me and suddenly i was lifted up.


"I love you too buddy..."

"Hunter im taking you back to the owl house. I have a spare room you can stay in. . . Luz told me everything." Eda said.

A few mintues later i was laied down on a warm cot.

"Sleep well hunter." Eda said. "See you in the morning."


Hunter my beloved, it hurts to see you suffer :,(

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