A long walk

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Hunters pov

"Hunter be careful." Eda warned me, "theres a chance of rain late tonight."

"Dont worry Eda ill be back soon." I promised her, grabbing the coat she had given me.

Outside the air was refereshingly cold.

The dirt and leaves crunched under my boots as i walked into the dark woods.

I watched as demons skittered around the branches of the trees.

Flapjack had landed on my head and was now singing quietly.

It was calming outside.

Looking back at the house i took a moment to consider going further.

But the house wasent there. I was surrounded with blankets of trees that only let the smallest amount of light peak through.

"Ah shit." I muttered. Beggining to walk in the direction i knew i came.

Or was it that way?

no i had to be right but, those trees werent there before were they?

A weight left my head as flapjack fluttered off.


I dident recognise this place but i couldent place why.

I stood still trying not to panic.

Rule number one of getting lost.

Stay put.

Think about how i got here.

"Tweet." Flapjack said, tugging my hair.


"Chirp!" *The trees arent real.

Flapjack is right! I realized. The trees around me were warping and moving in a way that simply wasent possible. What was happening?

"Wait a minute..."  A relization began to dawn on me as the trees began to shift around faster, covering more of the light above untill i was in absolute darkness. An illusion.

"Hello hunter."

"Agh!" i jumped back, started at the sudden apprenence of belos, well an illusion of him anyway.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, hands beggining to shake with fear.

"Dear hunter, the wild wiches are corrupting your mind-"

"You were going to kill me! You manipulated me my entire life but wild witches are the problem?!" I yelled at him, beggining to feel dizzy as the shadows around me bagan to swirl faster.

"Your just crazy. Look at you, wandering so far from my protection. Come back to me hunter, escape your delusions." A bright path suddenly appeared, and belos was now light up by a halo of light. "Just follow the path, and all will be well..."

I looked up at him with disgust, a burning rage filling my head. "The only thing i need to escape is you!" I yelled, flapjack turning into a staff in my hands, offering a way out but i wasent done. "Go gaslight somone else for a change and LEAVE. ME. ALONE!"

With that declaration i hit the ground with the end of my staff sending out a bright golden light that evaporated the illusions around me in a second, leaving me back in the dimly lit wood.

"I hate to do this hunter," Beloses voice echoes in my ears "But youve left me no choice."

With that his voice was gone and i was left alone again, collapsing on the forest floor.

Too overwhelmed too even try calling for help.

All i could do was cry.


Hahaha look at me uploading

Ive been busy also writers block lol

If u want more content go to my insta im doing a goldric comic :P

Ty for reading <3

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