The Snake Boy

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My friend won't quit bugging me so...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- Silver POV -

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock as my head started to ache. Kyane walked in with a sigh.

"Silver. Have you ever notice anything 'weird' going on?" Kyane said curiously staring at me. My pain went away when he touched my head.

"Every time I wake up on my birthday, I always feel pain urging threw my body." I said looking down at my bed." I'm going for a walk."

- few minutes later -

I was outside sitting on a mossy rock thinking why urging pain shoots threw my body on my birthday until a hand covered my mouth.

I grabbed the hand as it let go of me yelling in pain. I looked back only to notice that he was a... DEMON HUNTER!!!

"Why is a demon hunter chasing me!!" I said in my mind.

I ran not knowing where I was going the I fell down a 5 mile hole. I looked seeing the hunter coming down on a hang-glider. I looked around hoping for an escape route. Instead, I found a chamber with a snake head so I ran in it hoping to loose the hunter, but he ran in fear without even going in the cave.

I grabbed a torch going down the deep chamber. I looked on the wall only to notice strange carvings. It said things like "24 men, one blow" and "19658 victims killed". I keeled walking then I fell to the ground in pain.


It was like I had a vision because I saw a boy. I screamed his name but he walked away. Every step he took away from me, he got older. when he was far enough, he turned into a snake.


I let out a loud scream to find myself in a little room with a bed I was in. I grabbed the torch that was in the room and went down the dark hallway.

"Is anyone here?" I shouted as I saw a dim light in the distance. I ran towards it and it got brighter and brighter as I almost fell in a huge pit of lava.

I saw a man, holding someone and I thought his loved one died. I walked silently an a thin stone brick bridge.
When I got to him I told him if that was a loved one who had died.

He didn't reply but chuckled. He stood and I gasped as I was shocked that he was covered in blood and he had killed the person. He had snake like teeth and a snake around his neck. bit the weirdest part of all was that he looked liked the boy from the terrible dream I had.

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