Act 0: Origin And Cookies

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Author: I felt like doing a non-Arcane story. This will be updated once a month with my main focus on my Jinx story. I hope you enjoy otherwise I will not deserve any cookies. I'm sorry if I offend anyone with my ignorance.

You are sitting in the back of a car, which happens to be your mum's car. You are dressed in your usual attire with your sister Sally next to you. She is wearing a skull top and black jeans with a black biker jacket and surprisingly she isn't a goth or emo.

Mum: So are you two excited for your first day of high school?

Sally: I'd prefer not to be driven to school by my mother... It's embarrassing.

Mum: Oh hush Sally. It's perfectly normal and you have no need to be embarrassed for having a loving mother.

Sally sighs as she sinks down into her seat. You look out the window cautiously looking for any sign of danger.

Mum: Y/N? What about you?

You turn to your mother sitting in the driver's seat with a bright smile that she always has since mothers like to smile... Normally.

Y/N: Sure... Except for the fact is is New York.

Mum: What do you mean? Oh are you talking about the villains... You have nothing to worry about after all New York is protected by hard working police.

Sally: There is also... You know the Avengers, who are Earth's mightiest heroes.

Mum: I wouldn't put much faith in those trouble makers... After all they cause more damage than the misguided... Especially Shrek.

Sally facepalms as you look to your mother with a very confused face.

Y/N: Misguided?... Shrek?

Sally: For goodness sake mum... They're called criminals and it's Hulk not Shrek... Shrek is a fictional ogre from an animation.

You turn back to look out the window as the car drives up to park in front of the school. You see all kinds of people heading into the building.

Mum: It's rude to call them criminals... They are people... People who have strayed from God's path.

Y/N: Thor is a god.

Mum: No he's not dear... There is only one God and that is Jesus... We're here and don't forgot I'll see you later tonight after I finish work... Oh before I forget did you remember to take your medication Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah.

Mum: That's good.

Sally punches your shoulder causing you to hold it in pain. You rub your shoulder as you turn to your sister with a glare.

Y/N: What was that for?!

Sally: Hurry up and open the door... I want to get out before anyone sees.

Y/N: You didn't need to hit me... Meanie beanie.

Sally: Please... Never say that again.

You open the door and start getting out the car with an inpatient Sally close behind. Your mum blows the two of you a kiss.

Mum: Have fun... I love you!

Y/N: Bye... Love you mum!

Sally: Yeah yeah bye!

The two of you leave your mum and the car to enter the school. You gaze around in awe as Sally walks with a bored look by your side.

Y/N: This place... Is a lot bigger than our old school.

Sally: I guess... To be fair our old school was a mostly part of a farm and we did our studying in a shed.

Y/N: That's the countryside for you. (Is it?) So what's our first lesson?

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