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It was dark. Flashlights were shining on the floor, on walls of houses and even down ally ways. The stars shone bright tonight. Nick stopped for a minute and sat down in the ally way he was searching.

"Nick? Has anyone seen him?" Charlie asked as everyone looked round.

"Maybe he did the same as y/n" tao said half joking. "sorry trying to lighten the mood" he rolled his eyes.

Charlie ran to the alleyway nick was last and found him head in hands, muffled crying and shaking.

"Shh it's ok it's ok" Charlie comforted him.

Nick rested his hear on Charlie's shoulder. "I just don't know where they are, they could be dead!" nick sobbed.

"Lets not think that way" Charlie spoke.

Nick shook his head. He got up and ran home and sat in their room. He ended up falling asleep on their bed. Their room was very nuteral. Plain white walls, a few paintings on the hung up and picture frames with pictures inside scattered round the room. A fake plant hung from the ceiling its vines draping down. The odd things on the floor, a very organised bookshelf and some other things nick could not focus on.
"Bonjour papa," y/n softly spoke. "Puis-je rester chez vous, s'il te plaît ?" hello dad can I please stay at your house.

"Merci" y/n hung up. Paris was one hour away now. They did feel a bit guilty but atleast now they were staying with their dad they wouldn't feel left out because their brothers weren't there and they won't have to worry about homophobic David and nick hanging round with Charlie all the time...

Good afternoon passengers, we are glad to inform you we will be arriving in Paris shortly so be ready //Bonjour passagers, nous sommes heureux de vous informer que nous arriverons bientôt à Paris, alors soyez prêts.

"Y/n is anyone with you!" their dad said.

"No dad." y/n put their bags down whilst hanging up their coat.

"not even Nicholas?" he asked surprised.

"No" y/n said sitting down at the table.

"are you going to tell me why your here?" their dad asked making a drink for them.

"No..." y/n said thinking about nick.

"Well I need to take you places then! How long are you here for?" he asked them.

"As long as it takes" y/n smiled.

"Y/n you need to tell me what's going on then. " their dad said sternly.

Sighing y/n started to tell him everything that happened.

"Right y/n, you actually need to apologise to everyone. Well not so much David but everyone else especially nick and your mum. You keep letting little things get in the way of your relationships!" their dad said standing up.

"Ok, where are you going?" y/n asked.

"We are going back to England to see your family and friends." he walked to the door and walked out with y/n following behind.

"But I never get to see you and your my family!" y/n looked at him.

"Yes I am but you need others too, you can't isolate yourself in Paris with me!" their dad looked at them and they nodded.

When they got to the airport he booked the tickets and they sat down and waited. When the plane arrived they got on and y/n said nothing the entire trip. Their dad did understand why they were upset with nick but he did think they were overreacting. This was very true.

Back home nick woke up to realise he was still in y/ns room. He sat up to see Charlie sleeping on the floor. He smiled. He loved Charlie. Carefully nick went out of the room trying not to wake him up.

"Nick," Charlie began.

"Yes char? Did I wake you up?" nick asked.

"No no don't worry. Just thought you wanted to know this but I got a DM off y/n last night when you were asleep" charlie said showing him the phone.

Hey Charlie! I am like really sorry that I overreacted and please tell nick I really love him and I'm sorry for letting the littlest things get in the way. You both don't have to forgive me right away considering I've been quite rude. Anyway I hope you both are at my house later on because I sent you something.

There was a knock on the door. It'd been 6 hours since y/n had gone missing. Nick and charlie raced down the stairs just as nicks mum was walking out of the kitchen.

"Y/n said they sent us something!" nick said quickly opening the door.

"Hi nick..." y/n said, tears running down their face.

(a/n: not going to lie but yalll hate y/n and so do I haha. They will become a better character I hope and I was wondering in future chapters do you what y/n to date anyone? If so who. It can't be anyone that is already dating someone. So not Tara, Darcy, Elle,Tao or Charlie.)

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